6. Patient 0. Fish turning.

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A/N : Damn this chapter took me forever I hope it's good and I finally did something at least interesting so :,)
(Long chapter btw.)

After what happened a few days ago Jay and Chip kept a close eye on Gillion and each other. They don’t know what's going to happen next or if someones gonna fall right at any moment. It was just one normal day of cruising the town looking for something to do, And with the lack of missions it gets boring sometimes. The streets were full of people walking and looking at different things and some just chatting at the side of the road. It wasn't really much of a hassle getting around at this time of day, it was only kind of busy and there was still space to walk on the large streets. “Alright, where are we going now?” Chip asked Gill, since he wanted to come out on this hot summer day.

“Well I mean we are just exploring y'know?” Gillion said. “I don't know where else to go,” Gillion paused and stopped walking, and he just sat down on the side of the road under some shade. Jay and Chip also sat next to him just looking out on the people crossing the street. “We should probably go back to the car, yeah?” Jay asked, Wiping the sweat off her brow. Gillion nodded in return and got up and started walking, Jay got up also and started walking in the direction of the car.

“You coming Chip?” Jay yelled. Which broke Chip out of his trance. “Yeah!” He yelled back, getting up and running after them. The blazing heat hit them like a truck but they did manage to get to the car before it became a problem. After cooling off and beginning to drive off into the afternoon Jay asked, “Hey when do you think we're gonna get a new mission?” Chip was confused for a second and then turned his head around. “Well I mean whenever they have one for us I guess?” He said.

Just after he said that, the dashboard pedestal lit up. “And this is why we don’t take the car outside,” Gillion said, annoyed. The hologram of one of their crewmates appeared. “What is it, Queen? Is it a mission?” Chip asked. The hologram of Queen nodded. “Are you guys available? We’re gonna need help investigating, because the rest of us are here,” They said. “Yep we are, Can you send us the location?” Jay asked. Jay’s phone lit up with the text which she informed Gillion about and the hologram turned off.

“Well what are we waiting for, Mission time!” Jay yelled.

They rode off into the vast hillside of Mana between dirt roads and trees covered in some type of moss. The roads are also covered in dead leaves from the fall and branches off trees. “Is this the place?” Jay asked, “It's quite creepy,” The car was dead silent as it drove up to what looks like an abandoned lab. Gillion parked the car in front of the Lab and got out, followed by Jay and Chip. The place was overgrown with vegetation, it was definitely abandoned by the horrifying looks.

“Well, I guess we're going inside?” Gillon asked, Pressing his bracelet to disguise himself so he can be in his hero form, which he gestured for them to do also. After a little while of stalling Gillion stepped in first with his guard up so he could be ready. They saw shadowy figures in a corner with a light in the middle of them. Some of them were standing, some were not. “Hello? Chip said. The figures turned their heads slightly. And one started to walk over into the light of the outside where Jay was still holding the door open with her leg.

Queen stepped into the light and waved to all of them. Gesturing to follow over to the patch of people that they figured out was their crew. Matches lit up in an instant lighting up some lanterns for more light. It showed that the place was covered in more vines and vegetation. Jay grabbed Chip by his hair and moved up the tiny stairwell with a lantern she lit up herself. “Jay! Let me go!” Chip yelled. And it echoed through the chamber that they were all in. Jay just decided to ignore Chip and move on into the upstairs corridor.

The downstairs chamber became quiet again as Jay and Chip’s footsteps got quieter and quieter as they walked away. Gillion and the rest of the crew went down into the cellar of this building and lit up the way with the lanterns that had.

The area was engulfed in darkness and only the places the light pointed were the places the lanterns went. It felt long walking down the steps to the cellar. It didn't even feel like there was a cellar down here and it was just a long flight of stairs. After a while of walking which felt like an hour, They got to the metal cellar door that was sealed shut with a lock. But the lock was really rusted from staying out for so long, So Gryffon tore it off with one hand and threw it back up the staircase and kicked the door.

Jay finally let go of Chip in the middle of the long hallway, the sounds of silence hit the outsides of the circle of light. The only thing safe in this place was the light that kept them close. The walls and floors were covered with vines once again but some of the walls were destroyed or just broken off entirely. “Cmon get up Chip,” Jay said. Chip raised from laying on the floor and stood next to Jay. “Are we just going forward then?” Chip asked. Jay nodded in return and walked to the door at the end of the hallway where she could see since it was noticeable.

Gryffon kicked down the rusted door knocking it to the floor and walked in first, but everyone followed behind and Gillion stepped in before everyone else. They all raised the lanterns high and the darkness lifted from the room. To reveal a room filled with vines, that was normal but the room was also filled with glass cylinders filled with blue liquid and some of them with cracked glass. “What..?” Gillion spoke slowly. Some of them split off to look around while Gillion was in shock.

Jay and Chip walked up to the big closed door. It was very noticeable even in the pitch black darkness. They walked over to it still holding the lantern to not be in full darkness. “What the hell?” Chip said. The door seemed rusted and the lock was completely on the floor in front of them. “I have no idea what's in here, but I suggest you are ready for what is.” Jay told Chip. She kicked down the door, taking the door of some of its hinges and making it swing from side to side while still being on the wall. The room revealed to be just a normal office space covered in shelves full of books, and a big window showing the afternoon sun setting over the city.

Gillion looked shocked at what the cellar was, No one went over the glass cylinders so all he could do was go over to them and investigate. He walked over slowly to the glass and tried to see what was inside of it, it was only the blue liquid that seemed old and just has been there for years. He thought it was nothing interesting so he walked over to the broken one. After examining the glass, it did seem that the thing that escaped punched a hole through it. He turned away from the glass, “Hey  have you guys found anything?” He asked. The crew came over but most of them didn't have anything. But Igneous was not the type to find anything but he did. “I found some kind of burned up documents,” Igneous told him.

Chip and Jay walked into the office and just started to see if there was anything interesting to find. “Hey Chip? Have you found anything?” Jay asked. Chip stopped rummaging through books and turned. “No, Not yet,” He replied. They went again into still rummaging through the room trying to find anything useful. Jay walked over to the desk in the middle of the room and started going through some of the draws until she got to the middle one. And upon opening it up it revealed to be a bunch of paperwork and documents. “Chip! I found something!” Jay yelled. Chip turned his head around and ran over to the desk near the window. “What? What did you find?” He asked. “Well I found some documents,” Jay replied. “Here take some and look through them,” After a little while of looking through the documents and finding nothing interesting. “Look at this,” Chip said. Chip showed the thing he found and Jay started to read. “First patient for this new experiment, This new experiment for patient 0, is fish turning.” Jay read. They stood in silence for a second. And without saying anything they ran out of the room with the page in hand.

Gillion took the document and started to read the parts that were not burned by the fire. “We made the child forget the memories of his past life and the experiment was also successful only he escaped,” Gillion read. Everyone stood in silence and stared at the paper. “What the hell?” Gillion said, breaking the silence. “Should we go find them?” Gryffon asked. Gillion nodded in return and gestured everyone to leave while walking to the knocked down door. Once again the stairway took forever to go up until they reached the ground floor chamber.

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