4. I know you care about me.

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It was pretty late at night with the crew just sitting down at the beach and watching the sunset. “I think we should go back, yeah? It's late,” Gillion said, breaking the silence. He got up from where he was sitting and got everyone up and back to the car. It took a little bit to get everyone in because most of them were tired and just sleepily got up from where they were sitting and had to pull Chip along because he didn't want to get up.

They started to drive away up the city roads into the night. “Hey Jay? Can I stay at yours tonight?” Chip asked. Jay opened her eyes half sleepily. “Why?” She answered. Chip looked back at her. “Well I have nowhere to stay,” He said. “Are you homeless or something?” She asked. “Can you go and stay at Gill’s?”. “I asked before but he doesn't have room,” He said. Jay nodded and decided to go back to sleep. The only ones that were awake in the car were Gillion and Chip but for most of the car ride it was silent. “Hey Gill?” Chip said, breaking the cold silence. “Hm?” Gillion replied.
“Do you ever know what to say if you love someone but they don’t love you?” He asked. “That's a weird question to ask,” Gillion said.

“I mean I would just tell them I love them and give them roses, But someone could do it differently you know,”. Chip nodded and the car went back to silent and Chip went right back to staring out the window one hand on his chin while Gillion focused on the road making sure they drove back safely but he first went to drop off Queen and Gryffon before the others.

“Bye! See you another time!” Gillion yelled out the window to Queen and Gryffon. They waved goodbye as he drove off to the edge of town. The city of Mana was a big city filled with a lot of people during the day but not many at night, only the night clubs had people in them, but some stores were open 24/7. Some of the streets were small and the alleys were filled with trash and rats. But Gillion didn't pay attention to it and drove for a while until he reached the apartment building. He unlocked the car door and hopped out and opened the back car door first going to wake up Jay. “Jay! Wake up,” He said, shaking her. Jay woke up grumpily and hopped out of the car and went onto the pavement waiting for him to wake up Chip.

He slammed the back car door and walked over to the passenger side and opened it. “Chip! Wake up,” He said. Chip opened his eyes slowly looking up at him. He got up grumpily as Jay did because he just woke up. “Well I'll see you at school tomorrow, yeah?” Gillion asked. They nodded and Gillion got in the front seat and drove off into the night.

Jay gestures to Chip to start heading inside as she starts to walk towards the doors and heads inside Chip following behind slowly. They walk inside the building and the center room is dimly lit. They walk to the elevator and Jay waves at the front desk lady before stepping in, and she waves back. Chip stumbled in the elevator first and waited for Jay. When she got in she pressed the button to the floor the apartment was on.

After a few minutes the elevator dinged at the floor and they both stepped out on the carpeted floor, and Jay walked up first to the door and got her keys and unlocked it before Chip walked up behind her tiredly. “First room on the right,” She said, Chip nodded in return and walked over to it and slammed the door when he walked in. Jay let out a sigh and walked to her room and slammed the door behind her also. She hopped on her bed and went to sleep for the night not even thinking about the fact that she had her outfit on that she wore the whole day.


After Gillion dropped off them he sped off into the night not having a care in the world where he was going, He didnt wanna say that he had a complicated home life, because all that mattered was that he had friends to hang out with and he knew that they would care way to much about him. He drove to the outskirts of town up to a big cliff where he found somewhere to park his car and he hopped out. He walked up to the edge of the cliff and sat down at the edge looking out onto the horizon of the moon. It shined brightly as it looked down over the city of Mana. If people could see he would say it was beautiful to look at.

He thought of his friends and what they would do if he didn't tell them now and he just dealt with the guilt of not telling them because he at least knew that they would care about him in one way or another, the only thing he knows is that if he doesn't tell them they will find out one way. He got up after a while and walked back down the mountain and to his car but he didnt drive home. He drove back to the apartment where he dropped off Jay and Chip. and he walked inside not paying any mind to the front desk lady. He went up the elevator to the floor where Jay told him she lived on because she trusted him with the other key she had. 

After unlocking the door and walking inside then shutting it, He felt the cold air seep through the air vents and with the sounds he could still hear the loud snores of Chip, Which he found a little funny. He didn't know why he was there but it seemed like there was something. Just something there when he dropped them off so he decided that he would come back after a little bit, just to make sure that they are safe, because even if it was in a different place he knew that Gryffon and Queen would be okay and they would call them if they needed any help and were in trouble.

The night felt long. longer than before, it made his stomach turn with this weird feeling. He wondered if he could just go to sleep and Jay would not mind because he told her that he might do this. But he fell asleep in an instant and he thought he would sleep peacefully but…

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