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After everything that happened Chan couldn't believe this was his life. He knew that the drama came with the job description but no one prepared him for this much of it. The Head Bodyguard woke up in a hospital room surrounded by his husband and Pup. When he found out everything that happened and what Khun Korn specifically did to their child both the Alpha and Beta were ready to kill him once more. But the heart attack robbed them of that satisfaction. A heart attack that is always dressed in vibrant colors and as loud as a mountain goat when excited. The Alpha had to give props to Khun Tankhun. He never knew how much the older Omega cred for his Pete. That wasn't true. It was obvious he cared but to what extent, was now revealed. To some at least.

Currently, Chan sat in an uncomfortable plastic chair in the hospital waiting room. He was so over this physical therapy bullshit. It was pure torture. And he knew torture.

His nurse even forbade him from strenuous activities, which meant sleeping with his husband too. Big was following the orders the hospital gave him so Chan couldn't get even a little bit lucky.

The Alpha was exasperated and sexually frustrated. It didn't help that his Pup was seemingly knocked up and waiting for his Alpha to wake up from the coma. If it were up to Chan, Vegas shouldn't even survive. He knew it was harsh but the other Alpha hurt their child so much and now he was supposed to just give him over to Vegas because Pete apparently loved him.

The Head Bodyguard didn't know what transpired between them while Pete was in the Minor Family heir's captivity but every parent would assume the worst. Although Chan and Big weren't Pete's biological parents they still raised and loved him like their own. It hurt them to see their child in this state. Yearning for Alpha, who brought him only pain.

As far as they knew Pete had some sort of Stockholm Syndrome. However, their new grandson would beg to differ. The moment Pete told them that Macau was his and Vegas Pup, Big almost fainted.

And they thought that Khun Tankhun was the dramatic one.

Apparently, Macau and Pete had a parental relationship for years and hid it from everyone. Well, Khun Tankhun knew but there than that it was first news to them. Big and Chan suspected it for years though but could never confirm it. What they had been in the past few weeks left them exhausted and stressed so much so that they never stopped to consider that some of their actions in the past might've hurt their Pup. Like when Big bad-mouthed Macau for being a brat.

His lover apologized to their grandson and decided to protect him the same as their Pup.

But not Vegas.

The Alpha, as Big said, if he wakes up, will have to grovel a lot before they will let him have their son. They might never will.


Big's gaze fixed on the man who had brought so much pain to his family. The sterile scent of antiseptic filled the air, mingling with the tension that crackled between them like static electricity. He was here for his own reasons, but the Beta couldn't deny the fierce protectiveness that surged through him as he watched Vegas, battered and broken, lying before them.

It had been three days after Vegas had regained consciousness and Pete looked ten times lighter. He still wouldn't leave the hospital room if he didn't have to but his Pup was finally relieved.

During the hard times, Big and P'Chan were supportive of Pete and his unborn baby, and Macau too. The younger Alpha crawled into their hearts and stayed there for what Big thinks will be a permanent spot. One he will share with Venice once he is born. When Big found out about Macau he fainted. Even though he knew that his child could never be Macau's biological mother something in their bond was screaming at the Beta. It was a lot to take in. But Vegas was another story. That man had hurt their son one too many times. But for some reason their Pup loved him and they had to respect that.

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