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The sun rose over the horizon, casting its golden rays upon the sprawling estate where P'Tankhun's wedding was set to take place. It was a day filled with anticipation and excitement, a day that P'Tankhun had been dreaming of for as long as he could remember.

Pete would through the years often hear his boss talk about the dream wedding he will have. When he was younger it was supposed to include flamingos but luckily he gave up on that idea as soon as one of them pooped on his new Prada bag.

The Omega never really dreamed of his own wedding day. It was something untouchable for him. Well, until now. Now all he wanted at his wedding was his Alpha, Pup, and family. That included his parents and friends.

Honestly, he was just glad that his baby was developing well and that Vegas was alive. He couldn't do all this without his Alpha. As they were nearing the end of the pregnancy Pete was also getting really scared. He didn't want to do anything wrong. The Omega couldn't survive losing Venice.

So everyone was helping them in any way they could.

P'Tankhun bought them baby clothes and it was all designer stuff, which Pete wanted to refuse as a growing baby didn't need a Chanelle onesie but there was no turning down the older Omega. His parents, still not completely on board with Vegas, built the crib for Venice. P'Chan got to their house early one morning and painted the whole baby room in blue while Vegas was still in a coma and Big came to cook for Macau and Pete. Since his Pup was not in a state where he could be cooking now. Kinn and Porsche were the ones to take Pete to all his appointments while his Alpha was absent and when Vegas woke up they were all ready to become uncles. Nobody was more ready for their child than Macau.

Their older Pup was getting everything done before he could meet his brother. He managed to take care of his Mama and university work at the same time. The younger Alpha bought a ton of toys and nappies for his baby brother. Macau was constantly learning about pregnancy and giving all the facts to his Mama. It should be annoying to Pete but he secretly loved it. The Omega especially loved it when the three of them were sitting down for lunch with the entire Minor Family, which now included Tay since he was dating Nop when their Pup asked his Papa how is Pete going to deliver the baby since he was a man. The answers came from giggling Tay and the younger Alpha's cheeks grew red as he began to flee from the table. Macau quickly got over the confusion as he said he needed to be ready for his own one day too.

Chay was the first one to smack him when he heard that. Kim was the second.

Both Pete and Vegas approved of that. They were all too young to even be thinking about babies.

Tay was a godsend. Pete didn't know how much he would learn from the beautiful Omega. They were spending a lot of time together when Pete was free. The other Omega even managed to help with dividing the housework so Pete could concentrate on the baby and recovering Vegas. He could see why Nop liked him so much. And Tay smiled more. A lot more than when was dating that scum Time. The man who tried not once, not twice but five times to win Tay back. He only stopped when Nop threatened to take out his spine through his mouth if he approached Tay one more time.

Vegas didn't hear the end of it from Kinn when his friend complained about the Minor Family's bodyguard.

Speaking of his Alpha, Vegas was his rock in all of this. Pete knew the moment Vegas learned that the other was carrying his child that he had chosen the right man. The man in question was overjoyed, so much so, that he almost ripped out needle out of his hand when trying to hug his mate.

While he was slowly recovering his Alpha has been reading a lot alongside Macau. They were both annoying him with their overprotectiveness. Pete was treated like he was made of glass. He hated it.

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