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"Take those two gremlins with you and let me rest for a day. If I see you before six you are not welcome in the bed. Not even a couch. No, you were be sleeping next to your father." Now Vegas loved his husband but sometimes he was really scared of him. 

It was one of those moments. Moments when Vegas would do anything his Omega wanted. 

"My love, how about you calm down?" And the Alpha knew it was wrong before he even said it. The look he got from his oldest Pup only confirmed it. 

He was an idiot. That was for sure. 

"Calm down?!" His beautiful husband said and Vegas knew there would be consequences. "You wish for me to calm down, Alpha? Is that it? Alright! I'll simply calm down then."

"Love, I didn't mean it like that..." Vegas started to approach Pete but a snarl stopped him. "Shut it, Macau!" 

His oldest son stood in front of his Mama in a protective stance. Sometimes when Vegas and Pete fought, which wasn't often, Macau would stand to protect Pete. There was never any need for that. Vegas vowed to never hurt his husband again. But the younger Alpha only acted on his instincts. 

That made Vegas a bit happy. It meant that even though his son loved him, he would always protect his Mama. Even from him. 

But this time it wasn't necessary at all and Macau was only adding fuel to the fire. 

"How dare you?!" Said Pete aggressively. "Don't yell at our child, Vegas!"

"Yeah, don't yell at your child!" Said Macau and Vegas could hear a smirk in his voice. The whole situation was funny to him. 

"Oh, shut it, Macau." His husband told their oldest as he picked Venice up from his high chair. "You and your brother have been pestering me the whole day."

"Mama... Why?" Macau asked with a betrayal in his voice. And if Pete didn't stand on Macau's side, it was over for them all. 

"Because, Pup, I haven't had a minute to myself this whole time. If Venice doesn't need me then you are here asking something. It's always Mama this, Mama that... For goodness sake Macau, you are a grown Pup. Some things you need to do yourself."

Vegas wanted to chime in that it was all because Pete kept spoiling them but he knew better than that. 

"And if it's not you asking me what to wear on your date with Chay or how to wash the blue shirt you bought, then it's Venice crying because the food has too many carrots even though he loves eating carrots or that his cartoon ended." Pete sighed. "I just need a break. And Vegas, you!"

Here it goes. Vegas was ready. 

"You promised to help me with kids when Venice was born. It was supposed to be the two of us and not just me and occasionally Macau." And his Omega was right. Since the coup, Vegas has been working hard to bring the Minor Family back on track but has been a bit neglectful towards his family. Venice was not a fussy child usually and Macau could handle his own but in the last few weeks Venice started teething and Macau has midterms. It was time for Vegas to help but he couldn't do much from the office or clubs. And of course, he regretted that. He wanted nothing more than to be home with his family but he just needed a week or two more to settle things then he would be with them more.

And Pete knew that. He was very supportive of that. But it looks like he has reached his limit. Vegas understood that. It was his fault for leaving everything to his husband. It was on him to correct that.

"I am so sorry, my darling." The Alpha said as he approached his mate. "I have been a bad husband and a parent. Let me make it up to you, love. Tell me what do you need?" 

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