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"Today was amazing!" My mother exclaimed as she walked into the front door, tossing her bags onto the couch.

I looked over at her and smiled as I fed my brother the last of his dinner.

"So I take it that you like your new job." I said.

"I love it. Everyone is so nice and helpful here. It is way better than the hospital in Houston." She explained as she walked over to me and Gabriel.

I cleaned up Gabe's face and lifted him up out of his high chair. "Well, I'm glad. I couldn't stand seeing you unhappy." I said, picking up the jar of baby food and throwing it away.

"Here's to new beginnings." She smiled and I smiled back.

"I was just about to head up and give Gabe a bath before putting him to bed." I explained to her and she shook her head.

"You've been watching him all day Claudia. I can do that." She reached for him and I handed him over.

"Well you have been at work all day. You should relax."  I told her.

She laughed lightly, "I gave up relaxing when I decided to have kids. It's Friday night, you should be out doing something." She said to me.

"I don't have anywhere to go. I don't know the town yet." I explained to her, following her up the stairs.

"This would be the perfect time to get to know it then. I saw a coffee shop up the street as I was driving home. Take your journal and go write. You might meet some people there." She informed me.

I shrugged, "You know I don't like coffee." I reminded her and she groaned.

"Well then order a smoothie or something. Go, shoo, get out of my house." she said and we exchanged laughs.

"Fine, fine." I kissed her cheek and walked to my room.

The three of us just packed up and moved from Texas to Arizona almost a month ago. We needed a clean slate. A fresh start. We needed somewhere that we could go where nobody would know us. Start a brand new life. I can confidently say that it is brand new. We chose a small town life. I can already tell that there isn't much to do here.

I threw my journal into my bag along with my phone and earbuds before jogging down the stairs. I threw on my black chucks at the door and started walking down the sidewalk in the direction of the coffee shop. We had to sell my car before we left. My mom wasn't comfortable with me driving it on the way here and it would have been too expensive to have it shipped. It still kind of upsets me because I will have to take the bus to school as a junior in high school.

I eventually found the coffee shop that had a small lit up sign with the words, 'Lee's Coffee & Pastries' written on it. I pulled open the door and the strong smell of coffee entered my nose. It always smells so delicious, but tastes like straight acid. There was a small line in front of the counter and I joined it, scanning the menu for the smoothies. I stepped up to the counter once the rest of the line was cleared and was greeted by a tall boy with hazel eyes and chocolate brown hair.

He smiled and said, "Welcome to Lee's. What can I get you this evening?" I smiled back shyly and gave him my order.

"Coming into a coffee shop and ordering a smoothie. Must be one of the most criminal things that you can do." He joked and I laughed lightly.

"Drinking coffee has to be one of the most criminal things that you can do." I joked back and he smiled as he grabbed a cup from the right of him.

"Can I get your name?" He asked, preparing to write on the cup with a marker.

"Claudia." I told him and he smiled.

"Pretty. We will have your criminal drink out to you shortly." He informed me, smiling and setting the cup to the side.

I sat down at a small table that I had found in the back of the coffee shop. I pulled out my journal, opening it to a fresh page. I tapped my pen on the page, trying to think of what to write. I try to make it a point to write at least one entry a day. Whether it be a rant or just a brain puke. Writing has always been my getaway.

Love. A variety of different emotional and mental states, typically strongly and positively experienced, that ranges from deepest interpersonal affection to simple pleasure. On TV shows and movies, they make us believe that love is easy and magical. They show us many different instances in which one falls in love with another and in the end, they live happily ever after. From what I have seen in the real world, it isn't as easy and magical as they make it seem. You may see a couple that seems to be happy and in love with one another, but that is until they are behind a closed door. There is a different side of them that you do not get to see. There are three simple words that are often shared between two people, but the real question is, do they mean what they say? "I love you." Words say one thing, actions say otherwise. You can say that you love somebody while completely tearing their world apart. How do you know if someone is being sincere when they tell you that they love you? Well, I guess the answer is that you don't. You can choose to believe them, but where would that get you? I have never been in love. I have never had anyone tell me those three little words. I am scared for what is to come if it ever happens. Would I be..

"Miss Claudia?" I heard and I quickly slammed my journal shut.

"Yes, that's me." I looked up to see the boy from the counter.

"Here is your smoothie." He sat the drink down on the table in front of me.

"Thank you." I said, packing my journal back into my bag.

"I'm Reed by the way. I have never seen you around before so I thought that I would introduce myself." He said as I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder.

"It's nice to meet you. I just moved here." I explained to him and he smiled.

"So I take it that you will be attending Caverly High? I am about to go into my senior year. You?" He asked me.

"Junior." I shrugged.

He nodded. "I have a few junior friends. Maybe I could introduce you to them and show you around." He offered.

"Maybe. I actually have to get home, but it was nice meeting you." I gave him a shy smile and walked out of the shop. I am too awkward for this.

Once I reached home, I walked inside and kicked my shoes off at the front door. I found my mom curled up in a blanket on the couch watching Greys Anatomy. I giggled.

"Do you not get enough of the hospital while you are working?" I ask and plop down next to her.

She laughed. "Never. How was the coffee shop?" She asked, sitting up and pausing her show.

"It was actually really cute and peaceful. There was a boy that works there that goes to Caverly. He was very nice." I explained to her and she smiled.

"Already meeting boys I see." She teased and I rolled my eyes.

"That is my cue to go to my room." I said, getting up and walking towards the stairs.

"Oh, come on. Was he cute at least?" She asked and I shook my head as I walked up.

"Oh, sweetie, before you go." I peeked my head down. "My new boss is coming over for lunch tomorrow. She wants to meet you guys. Please be up and ready at a decent time." She told me and I nodded.

"Goodnight mom." I said before disappearing upt the stairs.

I got to my room and instantly went to my dresser to change into some sweats and a baggy t-shirt. This is my favorite part of the night. I turned off the light before climbing into bed and grabbing my laptop to put on a YouTube video. I didn't even make it five minutes in before I dozed off.

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