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As I was walking to lunch, I noticed that the flyers for cheer tryouts had been posted on the schools bulletin board. I tore one off and rushed outside to our usual table. Anna and Jaxon were sat, already eating their lunch. Reed and Symphony were nowhere to be found. 

I hadn't spoken to Reed since the morning after the bonfire. I'm not sure if it was the talk that we had or the question that I had asked, but he seemed to be avoiding me.

I sat down across from Anna and slid the flyer over to her. She looked up at me confused with a mouth full of mashed potatoes.

"We should try out together." I suggested, taking my bookbag off and setting it next to me.

She shook her head frantically. "You can, I'm not." She said as she swallowed her food.

"Why not? It would be so much fun." I said with a smile, grabbing the flyer back and looking it over. "Tryouts are on Friday after school. Just think about all of the pep rallies and football games and being able to watch all of the hot football players at practice." I said, trying to sound convincing.

"Sports just aren't my thing and neither is having people watching me. Even the thought of it makes me queezy." She explained, cringing.

"C'mon. Please, please, please?" I begged, poking my bottom lip out as far as I could.

She sighed. "Fine. I will think about it. This is not a yes so don't get your hopes up." She said, sipping her water. 

I smiled and did a little dance. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, I said don't get your hopes up." She said, pointing her index finger at me.

"Right, right. Sorry." I said and Jaxon laughed.

"No, seriously. Don't get your hopes up. She isn't gonna show." Jaxon said and Anna made a face at him.

"You don't know that. I might." Anna said, almost offended.

"Yeah, right. You know you'll chicken out at the last minute. You always do." Jaxon said, mocking the face that Anna made.

"Yeah, I'm not in the mood to entertain this right now." Anna said as she stood up, grabbing her tray and walking back into the school.

"Did I miss something? Is she okay?" I asked Jaxon.

"I don't know man. I think her and Reed have some stuff going on. I've tried to pry it out of her, but she doesn't seem to want to talk about it." Jaxon explained to me, running a hand through his hair.

"I knew something was wrong with Reed. He hasn't been sitting in his usual seat in class, won't come to lunch, and every time I go over to their house, he makes up some excuse to leave. This is the first time that Anna has shown any signs in front of me though." I explained to him, grabbing my bookbag and pulling it onto my shoulder.

"I wish I had more answers. Reed has been dodging me too. He won't answer my calls or my texts. Shits been real weird." Jaxon said, standing up.

I stood up with him and the bell rang, indicating that lunch was over. Jaxon and I parted ways and I made my way to third block. Luckily, Anna and I have this class together so I can check up on her. 

I walked into class and Anna was nowhere to be found. This was odd of her due to her usually being the first one in. I just sighed to myself and took my usual seat as everyone piled into the room. 

After class started, I began to get worried. It's not like Anna to skip. I raised my hand and asked the teacher if I could use the restroom in hopes of being able to find Anna. I got up and walked out, walking towards the restroom. Once I opened the door, I heard sniffling from one of the stalls. 

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