First Day

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"Good morning! Get in, get in!" Anna exclaimed as I got into her car.

"I had the best sleep of my life last night. The heat here absolutely knocks me out." I told her and she laughed.

"I would say that you get used to it, but I have lived here my whole life and I still haven't." We laughed and she handed me her phone.

"Play some music. Positive vibes and positive minds for the start of the day." She instructed and I looked up my Spotify, playing my main playlist.

"A girl with taste." She said as I handed her back her phone. I just smiled.

 The ride to school was very scenic. There is so much more to look at here.

I looked out the window as we pulled into the school parking lot. I watched as everyone piled out of their cars, some hanging out in groups next to them. Anna parked in the back and we got out.

This school was definitely smaller than the one back home. That could be a win lose situation. Small enough to make your way around easily, not big enough to escape from people.

I followed Anna to the office where we collected our schedules for the semester.

"Let me see." She said, snatching my schedule from my hands. "Yes! We have third block together. So exciting." She informed me and I smiled as she handed it back to me.

"Come on, lets go out to the courtyard. The boys should be out there." She explained and we walked out of the double doors.

The courtyard was full of tables that had students sitting on top of them. I spotted Reed and Jaxon and they smiled over at us.

"You got your schedule? What are your classes?" Reed asked and I read them off to him. "Oh, no shit. You have first with Jaxon and I." He said with a smile and I smiled back lightly.

I sat down next to Anna as Symphony walked over to us. "Good morning everyone. Happy first day." She said, smiling and then kissing Reed on the cheek.

Anna and Jaxon exchanged looks. Reed didn't seem too thrilled. So odd. The bell rang and we all stood up, grabbing our bags.

"Come on Claudia. You can walk with us." Reed offered and I nodded.

"What do you mean? You aren't going to walk me to class?" Symphony asked and Reed rolled his eyes.

"It's her first day and she has first with Jaxon and I. I will see you next block." Reed assured her.

She looked me up and down and scoffed, "Whatever." She said as she turned away.

Reed shrugged and we all walked back into the school.

"See you at lunch Claudia. Have fun!" Anna said, walking in the opposite direction as us. I hated that she was leaving. I haven't been alone with these two yet.

We quietly walked to class and all took our seats next to each other in the back. I just looked around and observed the room. Reed tapped my shoulder and I looked over.

"So did Anna invite you to the bonfire tonight?" He asked me and I shook my head. "You should come. A majority of the school goes every year. It's a back to school thing. I'm sure you would have a good time. I would like for you to be there." He informed me and I nodded.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled and he smiled back.

"So, my sister has your number. I don't yet and I find that kind of unfair since we met first." He smirked and I gave him a look.

"Is that really your way of asking for my number? You know you could have just simply asked for it." I told him and he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, it would've been that easy?" He asked and I let out a short laugh.

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