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I woke up to the sound of my mom blasting her usual playlist throughout the house. She's stress cleaning. She can't stand having people over unless there is not a single speck of dirt on the floor.

I went ahead and got my morning shower out of the way and made sure to put on something cute, but casual. That's kind of hard to do when it is summer in Arizona. I walked down the stairs and went over to Gabe who was watching Winnie The Pooh. He watches it so much that I have pretty much memorized the entire movie.

"Good morning chunk." I said in a baby voice as I picked him up and sat down on the couch with him. I heard the music stop and my mom walked into the living room.

"Well good morning." I said and she plopped herself down on the recliner.

"We should be good. I just have to start getting lunch ready and take a shower." She said.

"I can handle lunch if you want to go clean up. Just let me know what needs to be done." I offered and she nodded her head.

"Thank God. Gabe has already been fed, I just need you to put him in a different change on clothes. As for lunch, I was just planning on doing sandwiches and finger foods. Nothing too special." She instructed me.

I laughed lightly, "Okay mom. What time will they be getting here?" I asked and she checked her watch.

"About an hour so I am going to go hop in the shower. I appreciate you." She said as she got up and ran up the stairs.

I got Gabe dressed and started working on making the sandwiches. I plated them on our "guest worthy" plates, as my mom likes to call them. I decided on a charcuterie board for the rest of the foods and placed them all on the dining table. My mom came down as I was finishing up and picked Gabe up out of his high chair.

"They should be pulling up any minute. It all looks amazing honey. Thank you." She informed me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled.

The doorbell rang and we both looked.

"Okay, here we go." She walked to the front door and I followed shortly behind her.

She opened the door to reveal a blonde haired woman who had the widest smile on her face.

"Hello, Maggie." The woman greeted my mom.

"Welcome to our home Tiffany. This is my daughter Claudia and my son Gabe." My mom introduced us as she moved to the side to reveal me.

I smiled at Tiffany and reached my hand out to shake hers.

"Did your son decide not to come?" My mom asked her and Tiffany looked behind her.

"He just had to get something out of the car. He is coming slowly, but surely." She laughed lightly.

"Well come on in." My mom said and walked into the house with Tiffany following behind her. My mom shut the door and we all made our way to the dining table.

"You have a beautiful home Maggie." Tiffany said as she observed our house.

"Well, thank you. We are still working on decorating it how we like. We aren't sure on a theme quite yet." My mom explained as she sat Gabe in his high chair.

There was a knock at the door.

"Oh, that must be my son. My apologies, he can be a bit chaotic sometimes." Tiffany explained.

"No worries. Claudia, will you let him in, please?" My mom asked and I nodded, heading over to the door.

I opened it up and it was the boy from the coffee shop. I am sure he could see the shock on my face. His face immediately lit up.

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