{An Expected Fight} (Part Thirteen)

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 For this piece of the story, we have to go back in time. Miles and Peter were having a big argument, as they were fighting about staying with Y/N. (Miles pov)

I woke up in a hotel bed, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a red-haired woman, pouring in some soup. "Hey, Miles. How are you feeling?" She said. It was Mary Jane. I opened my eyes fully, as I felt my nose that hurted. "W-whoa...My nose hurts so much..." Mary jane leaned in. "Yes dear, because you hit the wall..." Peter sat in the corner of a room, on a chair, looking away. "Peter..." Mary Jane said.

He didn't move an inch, as he kept staring at the wall. "Peter...Don't be so babyish." Mary kept saying. She even nugdes him. "Just...Leave me..." She rolls her eyes. "Sometimes..." She cleans my blood up. "Is Y/N safe?" I immedaitely asked. Mary sighed. "I have no idea who Y/N is, but she's probably safe." I start to get worried. "I need to go to her...Where's my multidimensional bracelet?" I asked, as I looked around I saw it around peter's wrist. "Give my goddamn bracelet back, peter." I said, getting a little mad. He refused. "Seriously?!"

I get off the bed, as I walked towards Peter. "Give me my fucking bracelet, asshole!" I shouted. "Miles! Don't swear!" She shouted back. I didn't care, I wanted to be with my baby. "Give me my..." I tried to get it back by taking it away. But instead, Peter threw it against the wall, as it broke down. "Noo!" I yelled, picking the bracelet up. it was broken. "Y-you..." Peter sighed.

"You'll see her tonight again. It's not like you'll miss her forever." Mary crossed her arms. "You two are being such babies. Just stop fighting!" She ended the fight. But it didn't mean the whole thing was going to an end. I get to the window, as Mary tried to stop me. "Miles, wait..." But she was too late. I get away with my spiderwebs.

I was going somewhere where I could speak my heart out. My parents.

{End of Miles' pov} ----- {begin of general pov}

On exactly the moment, Y/N, Gwen and Miles 042 came into the room. "what happend?" Y/N asked, in her sweet and innocent voice. Mary looked at her. "Miles escaped because he was being stubborn about his girlfriend." she said. Y/N got a sad look on her face. "Where is he now?" She asked. Mary raised her shoulders. "I think to a save place. He was really pissed off..." Y/N turned to Miles 042. "Milesy, can we please look for him?"

Mary looked confused at us. "Wait...But- Are you Miles from earth-042?" She asked. Miles nods. "yes. Miles 1610 and I are complete different personas. But since Y/N wants to find the other Miles, why don't. You're Mary Jane, right?" He asked. Mary nods. "Y-Yea...Nice to meet you." he just stared at her. "You married Peter on my earth." He suddenly said.

Mary just stared at him. "O-oh..." She then stared at Peter. "I-I guess..." Miles picked Y/N up from the ground in his arms. "We'll find him. I promise, my dear." He wiped some hair out of her face. She blushed. She layed against his chest. Gwen only chuckled at them.

"I really am starting to think that Y/N is dating the wrong Miles." She joked. "Maybe. I never said you should start dating 042." Miles gave her a cold glare. "I'm not a fucking number."

"n-no!" She smiled nervously. "I know, but still..." Miles teleports away with Y/N.

{end of general pov} ------- {begin of Miles' pov}

I came into my room, as my dad said: "Miles?" he opened the room, as I stood there, trying my best not to cry. "hey, son...what happend?" He asked. I start to cry. "I-it's too hard..." Dad pulled me into a hug. "hey. Come on, let's get you some tea." My mom stood in the kitchen, cooking food. "hey, hijo. What happend?" She kissed my forehead.She kissed my forehead."I...I have so much to say...." I said through my sobs. I was relieved since my parents knew I was Spiderman.

"K-Kingping opened up a gate, everyone's back, and there's an older version of me trapped in this world, I have a girlfriend that I need to keep safe...I...I don't want to be a superhero anymore...It's just so hard..." I kept sobbing through my tears. My mom shushed me. "It's okay, mi hijo. But who's the lucky girl?" She said. "Y/N...I love her like crazy..." She smiled. "Ah. Take her home sometimes, and would you like some dinner?"

"Yes, mom...I'm pretty hungry..." My mom nods her head. I was still crying a bit. "So you have different dimension Miles after you?" My dad asked. "Yeah...It sounds crazy...he's after my girlfriend..." My dad sighed. "Do you believe she's faithfull?" I nod. "yeah...I believe so." He scoffed. "I met your mom via school. Not through dating apps or sites." He suddenly mentioned. "I never met Y/N on a dating app or site. I started dating with her because I fell in love with her. She's my roomie, dad." so we can meet her. Would you like some dinner, my dear?" 

"Yes, mom...I'm pretty hungry..." My mom nods her head. I was still crying a bit. "So you have different dimension Miles after you?" My dad asked. "Yeah...It sounds crazy...he's after my girlfriend..." My dad sighed. "Do you believe she's faithfull?" I nod. "yeah...I believe so." He scoffed. "I met your mom via school. Not through dating apps or sites." He suddenly mentioned. "I never met Y/N on a dating app or site. I started dating with her because I fell in love with her. She's my roomie, dad."

My dad suddenly smiled. "Okay. good choice." My mom set the table for dinner. She placed three plates on the table, with the crockery. "We're gonna eat nacho's. Since that's your favorite, hijo." I nod my head carefully. "We really love you. Don't get us wrong." I smiled through my tears. "You're gonna be fine. Just eat something." My mom said, as she put the food on the table. I was hungry, yeah.

---------------{end of Miles' Pov} ----------------{ Begin of Y/N pov}
I came into my boyfriend's room, as Miles 2 putted me down. "thanks." I kissed his cheek. "N-no problem...." He smiled. I opened the door, as I stared at him with a loving gaze. He just stared back at me, with a blush on his face. I left the room, as I walked downstairs.

Miles 1, his mom and dad were sitting at the table, as they stared at me. Miles immedaitely stood up, as he wrapped his arms around me. He just started crying. "b-babe..." He continued crying in my shoulder. I just held him close, as his parents stared at us. "Hijo, who's that?" His mom asked. "Ah..Y-Y/N, t-this is my mom, R-Rio..." I smiled at his mom. 

"Hey, Mrs. Morales. I'm Y/N. Miles' girlfriend." His dad and mom suddenly smiled at me. "Oh, you're so cute!" His mom said. His dad layed a hand on my shoulder. "Good to meet you. I hope you're gonna make our son happy." I smiled a bright smile. Of course I would make Miles happy. I looked at him, as he smiled at me, wiping his tears away. "S-sorry...I was just so worried..." I nod my head.

"I know-" "Did Miles 042 held his hands by himself?" I nod again. "yes. Yes he did. And we had a lot of fun. " He smiled at me. "Good...Can I kiss your lips? I missed them to be honest." I kissed his lips as he closed his eyes. 

-------------{end of Y/N's pov}----{begin of Miles-042 pov} 

I heard Y/N run off the stairs, as I kept staring at her back, as I wanted to kiss her...Feel her again...A sudden wave of happiness was flooding over me.  I loved her...I liked her...She doesn't belong to Miles 1610. She belongs to me. I touched my cheek, as I felt her soft and cozy lips on my cheek. I peeked through the doorway, seeing her kissing. I start to feel a little sad. I wanted to be the one to kiss her...

I closed the door, as I grabbed something from my pocket. It was a little, small box. There was a ring in it. The big secret was, I wanted to ask my Y/N to marry me. But I never got the chance. Never could've heard from her mouth: "Yes, I do!" Never...Never...NEVER!!"

Tears start to fall from my face, as I felt them rolling down to my chin. my jaw was shaking again, my body trembling.  I really want her...I need her...I held the box tight as I thought about it.

I was imagening about that he could ask her that, saying: "My dear Y/N. Do you want to marry me, my love? So we can be together for always?" I could imagine her saying: "yes, I do! I would love to!" And we would kiss. Mine...MINE! 

I start to get insane, crazy, it's just...Super stupid. Stupid, stupid, STUPID!! I'm crazy....I really didn't knew what to think until I saw Y/N standing back in the door way. "Miles? Are you okay?" I looked at her. I let go of my head, as I hid the box. "I-I'm fine..." While deep inside, I wanted to scream: "IM NOT!! IM BROKEN!!" But I didn't say another thing.

(1567 words)

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