Chapter 21 - Becoming a Woman

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"Touch her heart, not her body. Steal her attention, not her virginity. Make her smile, don't waste her tears." - Unknown

Fun Fact - Canada (the country I live) has the most lakes in the world.

Fun Fact - Canada (the country I live) has the most lakes in the world

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Eleanor was all smiles, which bothered Alex. He had returned two days ago from Belmont, a favourite residence of his, in the countryside. Eleanor had performed the tasks Harold had asked of her, and was still doing so until his return. She spent more time with Alex because of this, reading and correcting documents that could ruin him as she had been doing so, serving beverages at the house of lord meetings, bringing his breakfast and the daily papers as well. She wasn't in the moment as of now, Alex could tell. Something good must have happened for her in the time he was gone, he assumed.

Eleanor was still thinking of Alexi, and their night of minimum pleasure. She had developed a sort of small crush on the man and couldn't wait for the next time Archie took her to the establishment. Alex cleared his throat, reading the daily newspaper, and she surveyed the room. Hid valets were gone, and he had barely touched his breakfast. He probably wanted her to get out, "Did something interesting occur whilst I was away?" Eleanor hadn't been expecting that question. She lied and shook her head. She was soon on her way for the afternoon, meeting Lynn and Cora for lunch after cleaning the music room with Lynn.

Some days past, and Eleanor wondered if Archie was ever going to return. She walked around in her room and finally, a knock. To her surprise, it was Archie. The two were careful to leave the palace, and Archie had to bribe a guard to let them out and back in. "What took you so long?" She asked once they were inside the carriage.

Archie smirked, "A little impatient, are we?" He taunted, knowing she wanted to see Alexi once again. "Well, the building we are going to, Ravens, is only truly open on the weekends at night. Other days of the week, it serves as a bar. A sort of disguise." Eleanor nodded in understanding, but her mind was only focused on him.

Once they reached Ravens, Archie stepped out to let Eleanor change. She soon came out, and the two entered the busy club. Archie led her up a few sets of stairs and into a room, "He'll be with you shortly." And then he walked off. She spun around, taking in the room. There was a comfortable, old, but modern canopy towards the middle, and tables on either side, as well as a sitting area, towards the corner, focused around a fireplace, with tall bookshelves for entertainment she supposed. The only other things around were a wardrobe, an easel, as well as a chess table with chairs tucked to the side, a bigger piano and a long mirrored dressing screen. Besides that, there were two other doors. Just as Eleanor was headed for one door, she was interrupted by him.

Alexi took in her appearance. He beckoned her to his side. Eleanor walked towards him, smiling. Alexi brought her down to his level as he sat on the edge of the bed, "I hear you have a crush on me." It wasn't a question. Eleanor knew instantly that Archie had betrayed her and once she got her hands on him, it would be the end as he knew it. She blushed, and stayed silent. Alexi laughed, a richness that Eleanor wanted to preserve.

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