Chapter 53 - Surviving

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"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success." - Stephen A. Brennan

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." - Jimmy Dean

Fun Fact - When two lovers gaze into each others eyes their heart rates synchronize.

Fun Fact - When two lovers gaze into each others eyes their heart rates synchronize

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Footsteps echoed through the darkly lit dungons. The sound continued and came to a cease. In front of the cell, the man lowered and slid the sliver planter of hard bread and water to the prisoner and traitor, "Hungry or not? It won't be nice if you starve yourself before your execution your majesty," the guard teased. He wait for the ex-king to move closer to the iron gate, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, "Or should I say traitor?"

His fellow gurads to both his sides and the two across from him stood their guard, ready to harm even him if he caused trouble. He watched as Alex moved back, and the guard continued to serve other prisoners their own share of food.

Alex took a bite of the stale bread and drowned it with water. He turned to the deep dark corners of his cell and pulled the new piece of paper he had been given. At least someone on the outside was on his side.

'Be ready when the sun goes down.'

He pulled the previous tiny piece Timothy had shoved into his hand when he delived the gut renching blow at the court.


What was all it said. All Alex had to do was wait now. All they had to do was wait, "You must be down here for some reason?" He whispered. Eleanor was asleep from what he could tell. Theodor was on the brink as well. Archie was playing with a rock, a sign of the boardom that was soon to get to them all.

They all turned to Carson, who had refused to speak the day the three days they had been in their prisons, "Please Carson? If not for us, then for Stephan and Georgia and for your daughter!" Richard begged.

Alex turned to his brother, "What do you mean daughter?" He had been under the impression that Carson had a son and only a son, Nathan. Richard noticed this confussion.

"Yes, Autumn, if I recall her name was. It has been long since Carson brought her to the palace, after the death of his wife, if was as if she disappeared into thin air." Richard Confessed, directing his hard and heavy stare to his sister.

"Well, I do remember Carson mentioning once when I was younger that his daughter and I would be good friends if we ever met. I did meet her and his wife when I was younger. You were there too Alex, before yoi went away to the academy."

As if a memory had been removed from his mind, it appeared once again. He had not met Autumn at his going-off ceremony. It had been earlier before that. He had been three at the time and still so very young. This had been eighteen years or so ago. The deceased Mrs. Williams, had been thirty-two and had just given birth to her second born, a daughter, Autumn.

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