Chapter 32 - The Words I Love You

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"Love always captures you; you never fall in love on your own. Love comes into your life when you least expect it, and it leaves when you most need it." - Unknown

Fun Fact - being in love gives you the same feeling as being on drugs.

Fun Fact - being in love gives you the same feeling as being on drugs

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Eleanor couldn't remember the last time she had visited Ravens. She didn't ever want to think of the establishment, or the pain and pleasures she had received from it. She would have gone the rest of her days, being happy for the time being with how Alex was doting on her, and caring for her after all that had taken place. He approached her instead of her usual coming to him and serving him for the day. She wished for Archie to take her back to Raven, to have a proper goodbye with Alexi, but the thought of him brought back the memories of the painful night he had kicked her out and told her never to return.

She slowly filled her days with tasks and thoughts to replace her raper and his friend, and of Alexi. The slightest touch from men around her seemed to bring those uncomfortable thoughts up. She got ready for the day, taking a supplement Adam and another doctor Umbridge, Lynn's brother, had prescribed to her. She made her way to the family breakfast dinning room, taking her place to another servant. Breakfast today, as Mrs. Woodhouse told her, would be held here instead, and she wouldn't have to take Alex's breakfast to him.

She stood in silence for a while until Alex beckoned her. She followed behind him to his office, carrying some papers he had fetched. He stood up waiting as she placed the stack down, before slowly approaching her, and taking her into his arms. He lingered, waiting, and she took was waiting for what was to come next. And then he kissed her. And it was only that this time, a simple kiss. Both parties didn't feel what they had been feeling before. Eleanor stepped back, looking quiet offended and cast her eyes to the floor, "I'm sorry." She didn't know what exactly she was apologizing for, but she felt the need to.

Alex sat down, "No. I am the one who should be saying that. I forced myself on you without permission."

The both of them knew it wasn't that. It was what had happened to her. As he ordered her around the office, to make corrections to this, to make coffee like that, to read aloud, to underline, she felt sick. He was truly the only one she could rely on and that was even more sick when she thought again how everything was his fault. He had killed her family, the people she loved, taken her as a some prize of war and then belittled her to the status of slave, and then he had the audacity to start caring for her, and kiss her. She stood up and walked out. Maybe this had been what he wanted from the start, to make her rely on him, and maybe this whole feeling thing was a charade. She helped with other maids and staff, but today wasn't so busy.

Taking refuge in her room was the next option. She tried to read, but her mindset wasn't in it. She then went for a walk with Ada, which helped to some extent. When she got back, she saw Archie passing by, and called him towards her, "I want to go back. One last time, just to say goodbye to him properly. He doesn't deserve it, but we shouldn't have left things the way we did. Master and I owe it to each other. It's been bothering me for a while, and so I suppose this is what I must do."

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