Chapter 48 - His Rightful Claim

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"We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make a difference." - Nelson Mandela

Fun Fact - Movie trailers originally played after the movie.

Fun Fact - Movie trailers originally played after the movie

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Victoria knocked on the doubles set in front of her. She waited for the come in and when it did not arrive, she step into the room. Silas had his back to her. He sat in the mobile chair meant to make his life easier, "You have called me, your grace?"

He nodded, guestering for her to step closer with a wave of his palm. She obliged, smiling and happy. They would be married in a few weeks. Afer the incident with the king a couple of nights ago, he hadn't talked to her as much, and she knew he had been displeased with her. Her attention turned as he moved, causing her to flinch. This did not go unnoticed to him. The old, crippled lord Silas reached for a photo of his old wife, a locket she had wore all the time. He had commisioned it for her, "She is beautiful, is she not?"

Victoria nodded, "She is. I wish you will love me as you did her, knowing I can never live up to her place."

Silas was quiet. She would never live up to his wife. This marrige would provide little to no love. He did care for the girl, and although being Milbourneian was a down side to her, he knew of her worth. He had seen the child when she had been a girl, the princess Eleanor. It had been a diplomatic stae visit. He and the late king, and some lords had visited a small town in Milbourn, with the king of Milbourne and his wife. She didn not seem to know who she was, and neither did his own sons. The king seemed to have signled he knen.

Wedding her would prove to be a deal that gained him more. Land and wealth that even the king didn not own even after the war. Thing only a man or woman with Milbourneian blood running through their vains could possess no matter who was running the country.

"When we are married, that little job of yours, you will offer it up. You will stay her all day and not go out of the premise unless I give my say or if you are needed at events and by my side. Is this clear?"

Victoria stood still, her smile fading, "I beg your pardon, your grace?"

"Are you deaf girl?! You will not show your face in this town or anywhere outside of it! It is better for you and for me that way."

Victoria laughed, "You joke, your grace. I did not think you capable of it. You are quiet funny I must admit. It is a great quality to have in a husband. I think I will enjoy that when we are married."

Silas stood from his chair, pulling the girl by her locks, his ugly face and wrinkled mouth at her ear lobe. He controlled his staggeared and uneven breathing, "The person that hurt you, before my son save your ass, I know the person. This marriage will save you from what they have planned for not just you. If you do not abide by my rules girl, it will not just have been the death of your innocent stillborn child, but yours and countless others atop of the lives that have already been taken."

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