Chapter 10- Halloween.

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30th of October..

When Lilith dropped out of university and her dad gave the Café away to her, Red used to slightly irritate her.

Obviously, for a while, Red used to live in the room above, which is now nothing but a small space with old furniture that carries dust until they all decide to stick the radio on and clean it out, looking through all of their personals and remembering their old lives.

Red didn't irritate Lilith because she lived above, or because her dad insisted she keep her on the job, but she irritated Lilith because she rarely spoke to her, at all really.

For the first year of knowing Red, Lilith had only heard her voice a couple of times, and that was only when it was necessary to do so, otherwise, she spent her days with her jaw clenched and her eyebrows narrowed.

But every time Lilith had heard that slight hint of her voice or smelt her aroma, she felt herself be further magnetised into the Red mystery.

Red irritated Lilith because she had this undying charm to her without even speaking. And Red irritated Lilith more because with each passing day, no matter the season, Red was always hot to the touch, and her veins stuck out so intensely, with every slight touch the pair made, Lilith felt her body ignite with this undeniable spark that could kill her but it pulled her further in.

Eventually, Lilith began to speak. For more reasons than you would think, to start with, Red had no friends, even though she didn't seem interested in making any of them. Second, she didn't seem to have any family. And third, because she wanted to understand her, she wanted to know what was behind those piercing dark eyes and she wanted to hear the words roll out of her plump lips.

During Lilith's mission of breaking through, Red got sick. But it wasn't just a light cold, it was a heavy flu, that Lilith somehow never caught.

Red had no one, so Lilith was left to take care of her, after insisting on doing so, Red repeatedly demanded she could take care of herself, but her temperature was so high that Lilith couldn't allow her to be alone.

Through Lilith's care, Red began to enjoy her company, and her walls began to crumble. One of the first things Lilith asked Red was if she had any family, and Red struggled to answer seeing as Gabriel was still very much alive but he was no dad to her, and her mother wasn't ever around. So, she told Lilith that.

Lilith was told how Red's dad wasn't a good person, but she was told nothing about Raya, and that's where it began.

Lilith got her lawyer involved only a year ago, when Red and her were extremely drunk, Red was talking about Raya and how she wonders if the day is to ever come, so Lilith realised then and there that maybe it is possible, you could call it a drunk decision but they called the lawyer, and Red's heart raced the entirety of it.

After many dead-ends on finding her, he finally did. From her address to the job she works, and her fully changed name, Claudia.

And Red didn't understand whether she changed her name to hide from Gabriel or Red, it felt like the first time she found out her mother's real name, although, even that wasn't real anymore.

Red's perspective.

It's been three days. Three excruciating days since I've known where my mum is, and for some fucking reason I can't seem to bring myself to go. After two decades of believing that she might as well be dead, the idea that she is just a two-hour drive from me is terrifying.

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