Well the encounter with that m- alastor sure was strange. You thought, getting ready as you glance briefly at your reflection in the mirror before snatching your bag and jacket from the coat hanger besides your door.
You once again make your way through the streets of New Orleans, Louisiana when you feel a cold tap on your neck. You nearly jumped 10 feet into the air before drop kicking the person behind which was- "hi y/n!" Katherine chirped, beginning to walk besides you. "Geez kath" you grumbled, punching her shoulder playfully.
"I just got a tier 8 heart attack thanks to you" you scowled. "And I almost drop kicked you" you said which caused her to giggle. "Oh I'd like to see you try" Katherine said as you rolled your eyes before remembering what happened yesterday.
"Yk what happened yesterday when i was going back home?" You said as Katherine tilted her head. "This guy bumped into me" you began. "And he was that new broadcaster guy" you explain as you went through the events of yesterday. Katherine's eyes twinkled playfully. "Oh my gosh kath, I know that look" you said with a sigh. "Oh cmonnnn, that's a perfect romance scene!" Katherine squealed. "You read too many romance novels" you grumbled as you and Katherine enter the café, the mushroom wind-chimes ringing softly.
"I do not!" Katherine said as you rolled your eyes. "I've been to your house and I saw like 20 series" you grinned, putting on your work apron before handing Katherine her apron. "Oh but you can't deny it tho" Katherine teased, wagging a finger at you while you deeply frowned at her tease. "I just met him" you said with an exaggerated sigh, batting her finger away.
"You'll never know tho" Katherine smirked, walking into the cooking area of the café which was half a bakery since your café specialized in sweet treats and desserts. You shot a glare at your friend before sighing, slumping into your seat as a cashier. You and Katherine usually swapped turns, baking and cashing.
You reach over besides you, turning on the café radio before settling back into your seat. You hear the mushroom wind-chimes over the café door ring, alerting that the first customer of the day has entered the café. You turn around to greet them, notcing it was a regular customer. "Oh hey Aurelia" you greet with a smile. "Beignets again?" You ask as Aurelia nodded. "Hi and yep" she said with a thumps up before glancing at the wind-chimes as you peak through the window thing besides the door behind you.
"New wind-chimes?" Aurelia asked while you dropped a bag of beignets on the counter. "Yep" you answer while Aurelia turned around to give you the money. "Sebastien bought them" you said, placing the money in the cash register before handing the bag to Aurelia. "Thanks" Aurelia said before walking out.
"Oh hey yall" you hear Katherine say, glancing towards her direction to see the other staff members. "All of yall are late" you scowled. "Oh come ooonn, boss said we could have a nights out" one of them whined, you recognized the voice as Sebastien. You roll at eyes at the tall male with brown hair and a white bang. "Suit yourself, grandpa" you snickered, watching Sebastien frown. "How many times do I have to say it's. A. Form. Of. Piebaldism!"
Laughter fills the room as the radio static hums softly before thinning out into a voice.
. . . . .
-( Alastor's POV )-
I leaned on a door frame as I listened to my colleague perform his broadcasts since it wasn't my turn yet. Well the encounter yesterday was strange. I couldn't help think, closing my eyes as I let the memories flood in my mind. And it certainly was awkward when she just ran away, I wasjust about to compliment her smile. I thought, listening to the colleague saying something before putting on a record.
"Your still thinking about the encounter?" I hear a voice chuckle, I opened a eye, seeing Rupert, the person who had just turned on the record. I shrugged. "Wouldn't you?" I ask. "Honestly I would i apologized very quickly before running away" Rupert shrugged. "And I would be mad embarrassed about it" i let out a low chuckle. "That's what I did but at a slower pace" I hummed, not having the guts to admit I didn't apologize but snapped instead.
"Yeah anyways I'm gonna get coffee" Rupert said, breaking the music filled silence. "You want a mug?" Rupert asked, turning to me midway to the coffee grinder and boiler.
( apparently people boiled coffee ground up coffee beans back then, yes you had to grind them using amachine and yes you had to turn a handle )
"Sure" I said. "no any creamers or anything sweet pl-" I was cut off. " nothing sweet?" Rupert said dumbfounded, I shrugged simply. "Mhm" Rupert blinked for a good 2 seconds before continuing to the coffee grinder and boiler.
After a few minutes, he returned, giving me my coffee. I took a sip before softly sighing contently. The song Rupert had placed on the radio finished, he turned to me. "Alright it's your turn" he said before I walked into the broadcasting room. I turned on the mic, speaking a cheery greeting as my broadcast began.
. . . . .
"Oh hey y/n, ain't that the guy you told me about about?" Katherine said, making you turn around rapidly in confusion. Katherine sighed before pointing at the radio while giving you a very hardstare. It took you a moment before realizing what she meant. "Ooooooohhhh" you mumbled, nodding when you realized. Katherine rolled your eyes as you slightly walked forward to turn the radio volume up.
"Yep it's him" you muttered, listening to his broadcast but you immediately stopped once you say the twinkle in your friends eye again. "Katherine." You said sternly as she burst into giggles, your eyes trailed over to a mop of brown hair with a white bang gazing at Katherine. You internally smirk as you listened to Katherine. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She said between giggles "it's just that you act like-"
"How Sebastien acts around you?" You cut in with a smirk. For once in her life, Katherine's mouth immediately snap shut. She frowned at you as you giggled. "Karma" you snickered (Ijust got reminded of jojo's karma song), your eyes snapping back to Sebastien before moving it back toKatherine before repeating.
It took a moment for the pair to realize what you were doing, but when they did, it was hilarious, atleast to you. Sebastien was beat red while Katherine only had a pink tint. "Y/nnn!" You hear Sebastien shout before you disappear into the door behind the counter which led to the cooking/baking area. "Anyways its my turn to bake so byeee!" You said, sticking your hand out the window next to the door before waving. You worked cashier morning and evening and baker afternoon, vice versa for Katherine.
"Oh then I'm gonna continue shipping you with that alastor guy now!" You hear Katherine shout as you snickered, putting on a new apron and a pair of gloves before beginning to roll the already prepared bowl of dough next to you into balls. You coat the tray next to you with melted butter before placing the balls of dough in neat lines on the tray.
You let your mind begin to wander again as you continued what you were doing. Is Katherine right and am I gonna meet that dude again? You thought. No, probably not, yk how kath is and cmon. What are the chances? Your mind continues to bicker before a next thought came in. Oh well, only time will tell but I have a hunch I will.
Heyy! Chapter 2 is complete! And oooo, Katherine and Sebastien?
Word count: 1322
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