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It was currently the afternoon, you'd usually walk home like you usually do but the clouds were currently crying a whole damn sea. You successfully made it to the nearby payphone before you called yourself a cab. You wait drenched for the cab to arrive, you feel you wet clothes weighting you down as you grumply sat on a sheltered bench besides the payphone. You feel the wooden bench creak slightly as someone else sat on it.

(the bench be creaking like the floor at 3 am when you go to your kitchen to get snacks)

A few minutes of nothing but just the peaceful dripping of rain filled the air before a voice broke the silence. "..y/n?" You hear a familar voice blurt out, you immediately whip your head around to see that Alastor dude. "Oh uhmmm....alastor..?" You awkwardly said as you both looked eyes before a spilt second, warm dark brown against e/c. " ya been..?" You ask awkwardly, breaking the silence. "good dear!" alastor replied, flashing you a smile. Dang he smiles alot, you thought, could never be me.

"You?" He asked back. "Absolutely drenched" you grunt a replied as he let out a low chuckled. "But mostly fine" you said with a soft smile.

-( Alastor's POV )-

Ah there it is. I thought. The smile. "Darling' did I ever tell you that you have a beautiful smile?" I said while adjusting my glasses.

-( back to normal POV )-

You choked on the air as the last words left his mouth. Is he flirting? Why'd he call me darling? Wait he called me dear a while ago. You thought cluelessly while alastor just tilted his head slightly in slight confusion at your expression. Well it seemed like he read your expression and quickly said, "oh no, no! I usually call people dear, darling, lad, champ and stuff" he said quickly, holding his hands up with a rueful smile. "Ah" you said, sighing in relief. "So eruhmm..I heard you radio broadcast" you said as Alastor's eyes sparkled slightly. "You did?" He asked. "Well what'd you think of it?"

You chuckle at his semi-excited tone. "I did and well and you currently made it entertaining" you hummed with a smile. Alastor nods in approval as he held his head high. You giggle at him as he gave you a softer smile. "And where do you work at?" Alastor asked you. "Oh I work at a local cafe" you replied. "At that forest themed cafe" you said, going into ait more detail.

"Ooh, I might stop by for a visit" alastor said, leaning back on the bench. You currently just remembered Katherine existed. "Wait wait waittt please dont" you said quickly, suddenly sitting up straight. "Why, may I ask?" He asked politely, you let out a soft sigh. "Okay, look- I have a friend okay who I told about that whole encounter thing" you explained. "And she uhm...let's just say she ships me and you now" you say abit embarrassed as alastor rose a brow. "That's er..interesting." he muttered as you nod. "That's Katherine for you"

A sudden honk made you both jump, you turn to see your cab. "Oh- my cab arrived" you say abit apoplecticly as you waved him goodbye, "see ya I guess" you said as alastor waved to you back before you entered the cab which took off shortly after.

"You don't mind that the seats wet right..?" You asked nervously as the cab driver just let out a chuckle. "It's all good, I put an extra mat on the car seat" he said as the cab arrived in front of your house. "Alright and thanks for the ride" you said while paying the driver before heading inside quickly to avoid getting more wet.

. . . .

You were currently laying on your bed while reading a book you had borrowed from Katherine yesterday. Well that alastor dude ain't that bad. You thought while flipping a page. Wait- does his face hurt sometimes because he smiles so much? Wait, why am I thinking about that- don't think about that. You mentally scolded yourself at the train of thoughts. Does it tho? You groan, placing the book on your bed side drawer before flopping onto your pillow. You glance at your clock, 9:30 pm, you reach over to close the lamp by your bed.

-( Alastor's POV)-

I didn't know what had gotten into me- i really didnt. I blankly stared at the mauled figure of my father slumped on the floor front of me, a butcher knife stained red laid in my hand. Scarlet liquid stained the surrounding area, my grip on the knife tightened as well as my throat.

Is mother he- who am I kidding? She's in the hospital. I answered myself while I continued to stare at the body of my father- he was barely recognizable. I let out a long sigh, beginning to brainstorm ideas to get rid of his body. I could bury him near my neighbour's backyard. I thought since I didn't really like them. They've been gossiping about my mother's and fathers relationship anyway.

It was already 10 pm by now, I slowly dragged my father's body through the backdoor in the kitchen. Grunting as I started to carry it to prevent the blood from staining the grass. I carried the body near my neighbour's backyard, beginning to dig near a hollow tree before hauling the body in. The body was basically in the tree hollow and partly buried, I began to fill the hole.

. . . . .

-( 2 days later )-

You walk towards your café, occasionally jumping in the puddles the rain yesterday caused, the air was cold with soft breezes. You buttoned up your jacket slightly as you held your umbrella close to you. Better safe than sorry. You entered the café, walking behind the counter as you placed your umbrella in the corner. "Wh- oh hi y/n!" Katherine chirped from behind you. "Geez Katherine" you grunt. "Stop scaring me will ya?" You grumbled before the radio buzzed on.

'Breaking news!' It said, the static voice present. 'A dead body was found near _____' your heart beat quickened. 'Police are investigating but the body was almost unrecognizable, brutal really. it was buried near a citizen's backyard so they're currently the suspect until further research. To all listeners, please DO NOT snoop around the area unless your walking by or live in that area.' The radio said before turning off.

"Well dang.." you muttered as the mushroom wind-chimes rang. You and Katherine turned to see alastor. "Oh hi y/n" he said blankly walking towards the counter. You took note that he had bags under his eyes as Katherine glanced sharply towards you. "Bag of fritters please" alastor said, sitting down on the chair infront of the counter. "Alright" you said before both you and Katherine went into the back where Katherine gave you another sharp look. "Later" you grunt to her before returning to alastor.

"Here" you said quickly, dropping the bag. "Six dollars." You said as alastor gave you the money. "Thank you" he muttered. "Hey uhm- what happened? You okay" You blurtes out as alastor turned to you. "..yeah I'm good it's just that.." he trailed off before swallowing hard and continuing. "My mother's in the hospital." Alastor blurted out. "Oh I'm sorry" you said softly. "Hope she gets better" you said as he looked at you.

"Oh here" you said, writing down something before handing it to alastor. "Here's my number, call me up if you need a shoulder to lean on" you said. Was that a tint of red? Nah prolly not. "Thank you" alastor stammered. "Uhm- anyways I gotta go check on my mom, see you" he said before leaving quickly.

"If your two don't get together in maximum 4 weeks in gonna cry" Katherine mumbled from behind the counter with wide green eyes.

Oop well alastors father is dead now 🫡
And i did no research on how new Orleans is like so eruhmm, I gotta do that.

Word count: 1352

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