Chapter 1: Unexpected luck

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Chapter 1: Unexpected luck

A day like none other for most, yet a terrifying experience for Fuyona. Who was born to a courtesan, and raised in the entertainment district. Sadly she has hit the unlucky age when she can meet customers (15). While only on a low rank, so she only has to have tea, talk and atmost play games with the visitors, she is still terrified. She is getting herself ready, tying her obi, doing her makeup up and hair.

<Uhhh.. I hate my life.. at least I won't attract many people..>

She thought, as she was rather scrawny. She had dark blue hair, tied up in a bun, held by a pink band and light blue eyes, and so she did her best with lipstick and face paint. She wore a light pink kimono, like most low ranked courtesans from the brothel.

="It's going to be your first day isn't it?"

Asked an older, and higher ranked lady. She had a tall, slim, and curvy figure, pale skin, light crimson hair, and faint pink eyes.

-"Ooh big-sis Natsu..." her tone and face both sour "..yes it is" (They are not actual sisters, just really close)

="Aww.. you poor thing, you must be scared.."

-"I uh.. am.. but I only have to talk and drink tea with them.. so it's not the end of the world.."

Natsu chuckles a bit, and hugs her really tightly. ="Yes it is.. you know not all of them are bad, some are, but not all. Maybe you'll get lucky and he'll be nice, or super lucky, and you'll both fall in love!

<She really is a hopeless romantic.. isn't she?..> Fuyona does not think that she has that type of luck, or really any at all.

-"I really doubt that would happen.."

="Ooh, but you never know!"


A samurai, from the bottom of the barrel, visits the Entertainment District for the first time. He says all different types of people; poor people in the alleys, rich men who came here for their reasons, and unfortunate poor girls, to whom gave the worst card, working as oirans.

<Aah.. I feel so pathetic coming here.. I'm such a loser.. like everyone said..>

His name was Kai. He was not particularly strong-looking, nor confident, but at the very least he was decent looking. He was tall, with brown hair, styled like the latest warrior fashion (tied in a "man bun" at the back, and left loose everywhere else), and orange eyes. He wore a plain black kimono, with an orange belt. He walked towards the place, and entered.

-"Uhm.. excuse me.. I would like to uh.."

The old woman at the counter from a single glance could tell this was his first time at a place like this.

="Don't stutter boy, would you like some company?"

-"uhm yes.."

="Well I've just the lady for a first timer like you! Take a seat over there would ya'?"

She said with a chuckle, and pointed to a tea table.

Kai nodded and sat down.

<This is ridiculous. What am I even doing?> He thought. But his mind quickly went blank, when he saw the lady in question. His eyes widened and his cheeks started to feel warm, as he saw the beautiful girl walk towards that very table. Her hair, deep blue as the ocean, her eyes light azure, her skin pale, her face was the prettiest he has ever seen. Although admittedly he hasn't seen many. She then spoke her voice was soft, and enchanting.

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