Chapter 4: A Goodbye

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Chapter 4: A Goodbye!

Kai quickly walked over to the brothel, still worried, where a lot of the girls were preparing. All of them were wearing different clothes, than usual, ones that seemed to be suited for dancing. There were other men in similar situations it seemed, running to check up on the ladies they spend their time with, but there is no time for thinking about such. He soon spotted the girl he was looking for, her deep blue hair making it rather easy. Kai, short on breath, made his way over to her.
="H..hey!" He said quickly, needing to gasp for air. Fuyona looked rather unbothered, as she turned around.
-"Are you okay? You are sweaty.. were you running?.. <What's with this dumbass..> You are not going to faint, are you?" She was a bit concerned by that, mostly because there was no way she could carry him. She also wanted him to be okay.
="I h..heard.. s..some is.." He was trying to catch his breath, while speaking.
-"Huh?.. Uh breath! Talk after you can!"
She stared at him, waiting for him to calm his breathing.
-"So, what was so important?"
="I heard that some was bought out!"
Fuyona was surprised, and confused.
-"Did you think it was me?"
="Um.. yeah.."
-"You are a dumbass!"
Kai thought that he was about to get scolded again. Instead, Fuyona's cheeks want a light pink.
-"I appreciate your concern.."
="I appreciate you not scolding me."
She hit his left shoulder.
="What's that for?"
-"Uh.. because you are a dumbass!"
="So you are not the one who got bought?"
-"You are the only one who even looks my way.."
Fuyona dropped all that remained of irritation, as her embarrassment took over.
-"I uhh.. appreciate it actually." Now that was unexpected, Kai's eyebrows raised, and his eyes widened.
="Uh.. huh?"
-"Are you deaf or something?" She is still the same person, she was not magically replaced.
="No, no! I was just surprised."
-"Well, as much as I would enjoy yelling at you, we don't have time for it." She turned around, to help with the decorations. "I have to make sure everything will look perfect for my sister."
="Huh? You have a sister."
-She sighed. "Long story, could we please talk next week instead.. or at least not today.."
="I'll come when you want me to!"
Fuyona chuckled at that.
-"I know.. I guess next week then."
="I will be here."
-Well, good bye then, and don't run too much, I don't want you to get sick or something!"
="I won't, good bye!"
-"Yeah, bye."
A bit later as Fuyona was in her room, Natsu came to her.
="Hey." She said, trying to keep a smile.
-"Natsu.. uh.. your fairy tales seem to have gotten true.." Fuyona said in a low tone. It can't be known for sure if the man who bought her was a good man or not.
A small smile crept up Natsu's face. Despite that there was an air of sadness in the room.
="I guess it did. He is a decent man, his only flaw is that he is a little oblivious to some things.. but he is not aggressive, nor perverted."
She looked at the vase in Fuyona's window, which had slowly filled up with flowers overtime. "I think maybe your tale will get a bright moment soon as well."
Fuyona turned to the tulips as well.
-"Well, I guess doing my job extremely poorly is working.."
Natsu chuckled. ="Even the madam stopped scolding you, since he comes every week.." Indeed Kai seemed to not mind her abrasive behavior.
-"Ugh, that old hag.. I could feel some of her slaps after a while.."
="Well, she is a harsh woman, isn't she?" Not to mention greedy, but that's every madam in a nutshell.
-"Yeah.. though I guess her frustration may be warranted in my case. I even refused the guy to kiss me.. that would have been some extra money.."
="You did? Well you are a brave girl!" Natsu chuckled, though it didn't help with the tension in the room.
-"Mhm.." Fuyona was struggling to hide her melancholy.
="C..come on.. don't be like that.. I'll be fine and.." She couldn't say anything.
-"I know, or at least I hope you will be. I'm just sad you won't be here with me anymore.." Fuyona's voice started to tremble. " were the only one who cared about me.." Her eyes started to slowly water. I'm happy you will be free from this place, but.. I'll miss you so much! I..I.."
Natsu gently hugged her.
="Shh.. it's alright, I.." Fuyona hugged her back, and started to whimper. "We can write letters to each other!" Natsu's eyes started to water as well.
-"Yeah. We can write letters, though it won't be the same, at least I will know how you are doing." The girl tightened the hug.
="Maybe we could meet up sometimes." Natsu did the same.
-"Y..yes! That would be great!"
="I agree.."
The two silently hugged each other for a short while.
="I should probably start preparing.."
-"R..right.." They let go of one another. "I guess this is Goodbye then" Fuyona started to tear up again.
="I..I think it is.." Natsu gently touched the girl's cheeks and wiped her tears. "No need to cry.. Just please, promise you'll dance for me happily." Fuyona gently took her hands.

"  Fuyona gently took her hands

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-"Of course I will.. I will do my best, I will dance as best as I can! I will make sure everything will be perfect for the celebration.. I won't let you down!" This made the woman smile.
="I know you wouldn't." She gently kissed the girl's forehead. "Goodbye, Fuyona."
-"G..Goodbye Natsu. I hope you will be happy!"
="Take care of yourself, and remember that love can find anyone." With that the woman left to prepare herself, leaving Fuyona alone.
The girl still shed her tears, and looked at her vase from across her room.
Natsu had gotten herself ready to leave. She did her make up, her hair now styled better, and adorned with decorations. She was now wearing a fancy kimono, red in color, with golden flower patterns on it.
She slowly walked out of her room, along the corridor. The lanterns and candles lit everywhere in the building. The woman soon made her way to the stairs that lead to the entrance area, and walked down. The other girls down there looked up at her as she was leaving. Natsu soon met eyes with the man who bought her, and her lips curled into a smile.
<She seems happy, that's good.> Fuyona, among the crowd of ladies, thought as she looked on.
Natsu reached the bottom of the stairs, and bowed to the man.
Who offered her his hand, and walked out with her. Natsu took one last glance at the brothel, and everyone in there, who had then all started to dance. She felt joy, to be free, but also a bit of pain to leave these girls, who have not yet been saved from this fate.
She looked at Fuyona, who was dancing beautifully and expressively, one last time, giving the girl a wink and a smile. The door closed behind Natsu and the man, who got on a carriage and went off, away from this horrible place.
She went on to live a happy life with the man.
After she had gotten tired of dancing for a long time, Fuyoma went back to her room.
-"I'm happy for you Natsu." She told herself, yet tears streamed down her cheeks.
She saw the flower filled vase, from the corner of her wet eyes, and walked over to it. Natsu's words echoing in her mind. "Love can find anyone." Fuyona gently took a tulip from the bunch, and smelled it. -"I hate to admit it, but it may, indeed, already have..

Thank you for reading!
Special thanks to my spellchecker:

Sadly I will have to take a break, due to my University assignments.
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Take care everyone!

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