Chapter 3: Leaves in the wind.

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Chapter 3: Leaves in the wind.

As the sun shone through the window of her room, Natsu woke up. Feeling kind of sad about her altercation with Fuyona yesterday. She feels sorry for how pessimistic about love the poor girl is. She knows it's because she had to grow up in the brothel, surrounded by nothing but courtesans and their visitors. <The poor girl...> Natsu thought. And she remembered another woman, with beautiful deep-blue hair, and a gorgeous appearance. <If only you were more lucky..> She shook off her thoughts and got out of her bed. She started her morning routine.
The birds chirped outside. It was a beautiful morning, it was the middle of summer after all. A woman was dancing around in the small naturey area behind the brothel. Her motions are elegant, and well balanced. She waved around a long ribbon, as she moved. One could say she was breathtaking, even managing to draw the gaze of the girls who passed by. Her hair was blue, like the deep ocean. Her clothes were flagging, as she moved, along with the ribbon. The young woman was dancing with such grace, it could draw the gaze of even the most closed off person. No wonder her talents would be kept a secret.

Natsu saw her, as she took her usual morning walk

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Natsu saw her, as she took her usual morning walk. She saw how the girl was dancing, perhaps to relax her troubled feelings.
Natsu continued to watch her, before saying:
="You dance so beautifully, as ever, Fuyona!"
The girl got startled, she almost stumbled and fell. She was not quite paying much attention to her surroundings, being quite lost in the heat of dancing.
-"N..Natsu.. d..don't scare me like that!"
="Ooh, my bad." She chuckled. "I forgot how shy you are about your dancing skills."
-"I'm not.." Fuyona looked rather troubled, which was easy to notice.
="Is something wrong?"
-" I'm just sorry, for last night.. I shouldn't have said those things to you."
Natsu chuckled, she was a good hearted woman, not the type to hold grudges. She quickly hugged Fuyona, embracing her like if she was her precious little sister. Which caught Fuyona off guard, slightly.
="It's alright, you were just grumpy and irritable."
-"B..but still.. my reaction may have been a bit too harsh.." Not that she would've really understood it all that well, as the poor girl had trouble with understanding most emotions, be it her own, or others'. Which was a reason many of the ladies around, including Natsu, pitied her for.
="Shh.. I know you didn't mean to say what you said.." Said the woman caringly, her voice soothing and relaxing. Fuyona didn't speak back, especially since the statement was very much correct. She wasn't exactly sensible, when she was upset.
-"Still.. I had no right to call you childish.." Fuyona said, sounding rather regretful
="No, no it's okay!" Natsu was most often cheerful, and positive. This trait was one of the main reasons men liked her company, she is a good person to talk to.
-"You are always so joyous." Fuyona said and chuckled.
="And you are so gloomy.." Both of them chuckled. From the way they interacted, one would be inclined to think that they are real sisters.
They soon let go of each other.
="You dance really well, just so you know..." Natsu said, and snickered softly. "You should probably hide it from men. Some like good dancers."
To this, Fuyona rolled her eyes.
-"Yeah, yeah.. not.. that I would care about any.."
="What about the one who gave you the flower?"
<Are we back at this again?> She thought, and then sighed.
-" I just accepted it, so he would feel a bit better about himself.. not that I really cared.. he just looked so.. miserable..."
="Ooh, well I see then.. well I gotta go now, be a good girl!" Natsu gave her a pat on her head, before she went on her way.
-"Bye!" <If only everyone would be as simple as you..> Certainly, if that were the case the world would certainly be a more blissful place. But enough thinking about what-if scenarios, she had to move on with her day.
<I got sweaty from dancing so much..>
She went to her room to change her clothes. As she switched her wear, she glanced at the tulip Kai gave her.
-"That dumbass.." She started to mumble to herself. "What was so important in giving me this weed.."
She stepped closer to the, now in vase, plant. "It does look okay though.. not that it means anything.. I suppose it was nice of him.. Maybe he isn't such a bad guy..." She paused her monologue for a second. "Nah, he is an idiot.." She snickered. "I wonder what he is doing right now.."
A few days later, Kai came for his usual weekly visit. This time he brought a rose, instead of a tulip. Fuyona held back her reaction, to not hurt him again. <I have to be nicer, otherwise he will look all miserable again.>
-"You came, and brought a we-.. plant again.."
="I assumed this one would be a better pick.."
Fuyons sighed. -"I thought I was clear.. don't bring me things. It's pointless." She didn't seem all too happy but at least she wasn't pissed off this time.
="Well anyway.. I bought it for you.."
He gave her the rose, and she reluctantly took it.
-"Will you even stop, if I tell you to?"
=", not really."
<He is dumb.> -"Well alright.." She played with the rose. "The other one was nicer.." She said quietly.
="Hmm.. should I bring you a tulip next time then?"
-"That would be a bit better.." She avoided his eyes, and just stared at the flower. She tried her best to not sound mean, but she wasn't sure if it worked or not.
Kai smiled, happy to see the girl say something, other than insults.
="I'll keep that in mind."
They sat down and began to play chess. The young samurai had gotten better at it, but he still only really loses, unless Fuyona lets him win.
Weeks flew by, each week Kai came and brought the girl something. Usually just a tulip, or two, but on some occasions he brought another thing, chocolate, a ribbon, or tea at times. It was like this for two months. The weather cooled, the sky was less bright. The leaves have lost their green, and have turned to various colors now since summer faded to fall.
This time was different, Fuyona had decided to give something to Kai as well. She held a bright orange band in her hands.
="Hm? What is that for?" He was surprised.
-"I can't just take things from you all the time.. I should give you something as well."
="That's not really how gifts work you know?.."
-"Take it, you dumbass!" She shoved it into his hands.
="Okay, okay, thank you!" He chuckled. They grew a bit more comfortable with each other's presence in these months. Though, Fuyona was still rather rough in places.
Kai looked at the belt, examining it. Though he was not at all an expert in clothing, even he could see that it was a bit imperfect. Some parts of it were even different shades.
-"What do you think?"
It appears that Fuyona had made it herself. So, obviously Kai couldn't say anything negative.
="Yes! I like it a lot!" He said enthusiastically, which made a small smile creep up on Fuyona's face.
-"Let's play. Who knows, you might win this time." She said jokingly.
="How about if I do, then you'll kiss me?" It seemed someone was feeling brave.
-"What? Of course not! You moron!" She replied, in a sharp tone.
="Hehe.. worth a try.."
The two of them sat down to play. Kai had admittedly gotten better at the game, but had not caught up to Fuyona, so he lost most of the matches.
-"You are still not good at this." She thoroughly enjoyed his inability to win.
="I know.. but you can't deny I haven't gotten better!"
-"Really? I don't quite see it. Hehe!" She chuckled.
="I won a few times!"
<Only when I let you, dumbass!>
-"But only rarely, don't let it get to your head!"
="I won't.."
They played a few more games, before their time was up. Fuyona did not let Kai win this time around.
="Uhh.. maybe I need some more practice." He said and chuckled.
-"That's for sure!"
="Well, thank you for the belt, and your time. We will meet next week."
-"Let's hope you get better by then." She said dismissively, though she has gotten quite used to him by now.
A week later, when Kai was coming to the Red Light District, the place was a bit different. There were decorations, and the lanterns were lit, despite the sun still being up. He overheard some people talking:
"What is with all these doodads?"
"Haven't you heard? An oiran has been bought out."
"Oh, so that's what all the fuss is about!"
This was quite a usual thing for this type of thing then.
<A courtesan has been bought out? But who?> Kai thought, a bit of worry filling him.

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