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This Chapter takes place after the events of Episode 10.
After Jake gets kicked out of the soccer club due to his controversy, Jake tries to find other clubs than the music club, but then he gets rejected in all of them, The Dromies were Concerned of Jake as Jake was Getting constantly Bullied for three weeks in a row, including online and his secret tiktok account. Jake was Getting annoyed, one day, he went home, went straight to his room, punching walls with bandage on his hands. He then, had an idea, he asked his mom if he can have Martial arts classes, His Mom Agreed, Jake was Assigned to a Karate Class as his mom noticed that Jake Always Has Bruises on his body, After 3 weeks of training, Jake Got Stronger, He goes home in a good mood and watches Youtube.
"This might Relieve the Pain and Cramps I had" Jake listens to Rock Music and he comments,
"My Neighbors loved this so much that they threw a brick onto my window to hear it better!"
Jake Had A lockpicking tutorial Recommendation, he briefly says "might give this a try, looks helpful." he watched the video, he Stands up and Puts on a shirt, "I guess I'll Buy some lockpicks" Then he goes outside and Walks to A Store named Covert Instruments, Jake Buys A basic lockpicking kit with 24 tools and a wave rake, The Store owner says "You're not gonna rob someone are you?" Jake then Replies "Well, No, I just want to study how to open a lock." The Store owner then Replies "Well, I guess you can have a transparent Padlock for free though, and Try not use this for actual security application." Jake Replies "thank you sir!" The next day in training, Jake gets to Spar with his coach, Jake Then Cries out "Oh Shit! I'm going to die!"
The Match Begins, without Gear, Both of them Bows, Jake's Coach Gives a Powerful punch and then Jake Counters his coach with an extremely fast and powerful roundhouse kick knocking his coach down, None of the Karate Students Watching Him saw his Kick, Jake Continuously wins without getting hit in the next three rounds, Jake Is Now a Black Belter, He becomes popular with the girls in the dojo, The Coach yells out "Silence!" All the students Stop talking, The Coach walks towards Jake "Mr. Jake Sterling" Jake Then Replies "Yes Sir?" The Coach replies "all of your kicks and punches. were very Impressive! I Admit, You're Faster Than Bruce Lee and Mike Tyson, and Your kick alone almost knocked me out, I Never had a student as great as you, So, Tomorrow, we'll test your PSI and compare your speed to Bruce Lee." Jake Is Happy to Hear This "Thanks Master!" After The Training Hours are done, Jake Buys Ice Cream and Eats It in front of People working out in the gym, Jake then mocks them "Mmm!~ So Creamy so Delicious! Want A bite?~ Oh! Sorry! I forgot this is Bad For your muscles!" The People In the Gym Gets annoyed and Starts Muttering "Oh Come on!" "Man fuck you!" "I'm going to kill that Kid!" The Dromies can Be seen Smoking Around the Corner, Drew Comments about Jake "He Became an Asshole now, Damn. and He's also Ripped." Henry Replies "Hell No Man, I can't just Offer Him Lettuce!"
Jake then buys some Eggs for His mom, and walks home, He walks down an Ally, he encounters one of his bullies from school, His bully then intimidates Jake "Well, well, well, if it isn't the orange haired freak from school." Then the bully pulls out a Switchblade, he tries to Stab Jake but Jake Dodged and Countered his Bully with a Right Hook, the bully gets knocked down, Jake Beats his Bully up, hitting his head 15 times, Jake then Leaves his Bully lying down. Jake Finally goes home with the eggs, Jake gets inside the house then Milo appears Behind Him "Hey Bro!"
Jake Jumps and falls on his back "Milo! I Literally told you to stop Scaring the hell out of me like that!" Milo then Replies "well it's not my fault you're overreactive!" Jake sighs then gives the eggs to his mom and goes straight to his room, he thinks whether to reach out to Hailey, he decides not to and texts Daisy, "Hey Daisy" Daisy then replies "Yes Jake?" Jake replies, "Let's meet at the park, I need to tell you something. Daisy replies "Okiee :DD" Jake Goes Outside his room. "Mom, I'm going to the park." Then his mother replies "Stay safe son." Jake goes outside the house and calls for a taxi. Jake Then Listens to Music in the Taxi but Jake forgot To Plug His Earphones properly, "I Like Big But-" the taxi Driver Looks back at him "What the hell are you listening to?" Jake Replies, "Nothing! sorry sir!" The taxi driver sighs and continues driving.
15 minutes later, Jake arrives at the park with Daisy Sitting with Sean, Jake Gets Jealous As He Loses the courage to show his face and Leaves. Daisy Notices Jake "Jake?" Jake Continues to walk away not hearing Daisy as he is already 50 feet away. Jake Sees that the Mall is closed as he is walking Home, he stops and thinks what to do, He had an idea and Whipped his Lockpicking Kit Out of His Pocket, Jake Gets inside the back door Opening the door. "that was depressingly easy. Jake Sneaks Up on 2 guards and quickly knocks both of them Out by A spinning kick.
A Guard Spots Jake as the Guard shoots a Tranquilizer dart at Jake, Jake Catches the dart and throws it back at the guard knocking the guard out. Jake Walks up Inside the Mall. "Crap! where the hell did they keep- Ohhh~ They Didn't care about the cash registers." Jake Sneaks Into every Store undetected and stole every single piece of cash. "alright, gotta go." Jake Jumps Off an Open Window and falls 100 feet high "OH MY SHIT! AAAAHHHH!" He lands Into a dumpster. "At least i got out in one piece! and the money!" The next day, Jake Wakes up and Quickly goes to the shower and sings. "I must confess that I feel like a monster!" 20 minutes after taking a bath, Jake Catches the school bus on time. Jake Arrives at School And Moonwalks through the way, People are disgusted of him but Jake doesn't care and keeps moonwalking. Until, Zander Blocks Jake's Way and Pushes Him. "What Feels so Good Asshole? Are you happy that my Sister got forced to sing? Huh!?" He grabs Jake "Insulting Us behind our backs!? Oh my! I really think you really meant that after I saw you moonwalk here! Backstabbing Traitors don't have the right to smile!" Jake Gets Very angry as he is Shaking. Hailey Intervenes "Zander that's Enou-" Zander cuts Hailey off "What's wrong? Mad? you better be-" Jake Karate Chops Zander's Neck knocking him out as Jake Quickly Dashes to Luke and Kicks him in the chin knocking him out, Milly Charges with a Baseball Bat, Hailey Yells out "Milly No!" Milly Yells Out "DIE!" She Swings her Baseball Bat at Jake but Jake Blocks it and the Baseball Bat Breaks In Half.  Jake Intimidatingly Walks Towards Milly As Milly is Backing Off, Jake Drags Milly Using Her Hair, Milly Cries Out "Hey! Let Me Go You Peach Haired Dweeb!" Jake Slams the locker Door at her Face 10 times knocking her out, Drew Sees this and This Puts a smile on his face, Drew walks in clapping "well well well. looks like you finally realized that you do not belong to them! Now, Shake my hand And I'll give you The Gadgets you've always wanted." Jake slowly Walks towards Drew and grabs his Hand. Jake Judo Throws Drew to the ground and punches his head 15 times knocking him out brutally.
The Principal Runs into the scene, "Jake Sterling! come to my office this instant!" She Is Shaking in Fear as she saw Jake with Blood dripping out of his hands. Jake Replies "Sorry Ma'am.." as he walks pass the Principal and goes to the office, The Principal Fell on her knees Because of Fear.
"who..- Who-.. Who is that Kid?.."

To be Continued in the Second Chapter!

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