School Concentration.

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Hailey Wakes Jake up by Tapping his Shoulder. Jake Opens his Eyes. Hailey Speaks "Wakey Wakey Jake." Jake Rubs his eyes and Sits down. Jake Replies "What Time is It?" Hailey Replies "It's 4 Am Jake, we have to get ready for school." Jake Replies "Oh Right." He Stands up. Hailey Leaves the Guest Room as she is going to prepare too. Jake Eats Canned Tuna for Breakfast. After Eating, Jake Goes to the bathroom. 

4:30 Am

Jake Gets out of the Bathroom. Jake wears his Clothes. He Hears Zander And Milly Arguing. "Damn. Those two are arguing again? At this Hour?" Jake Gets Out Of the Guest Room. Zander and Milly are in the living room. Zander Speaks "Look who's Here." Jake Replies "Let me Guess. A Nimrod? A Douche?" Zander Replies "No. A Dickwad!" Jake Replies "Zander. IT'S 4:31 IN THE MORNING. NOW IT'S 4:32!" Zander Replies "Womp Womp. Like I Care." Jake Replies "Whatever. I'm Going Back To The Room for now." Jake Goes Back to His Room. Jake Texts Henry.

Jake: Henry.

Henry: Yeah? 

Jake: I need you to do me a Favor.

Henry: You Want Lettuce?

Jake: Keep an Eye on Drew for me. Something Isn't Right.  And Don't Tell Him Or Else I'll Slap Your ass With Lettuce Wrapped around my hand.

Henry: Okay Okay! I won't tell him!

Jake Gets off Messenger and Watches Youtube. Hailey Gets Inside. Jake Speaks "Oh hey. What Brings you here?" Hailey Replies "You're not Watching it are you?" Jake Replies "I'm Just Watching LockPickingLawyer What do you Mean?" Hailey Replies "Oh Really? Last Time I Saw You Using your Phone, It Was on GachaHub." Jake Exclaims "What The Hell?! How did you Know My Password?!" Hailey Replies "Easy. It Was Daisy's Birthday. You Really are a Simp Are you?" Jake Replies "Uhh-" Hailey Replies "Maybe Try Not to Make Your Password Obvious Dummy-" Hailey Laughs. "Anyways, We're Having Breakfast. Wanna Join?" Jake Replies "Sure, I'll Just Have to Get In Touch With Denis for now." Hailey Replies "We'll be waiting Jake!" As Hailey Leaves the room. Jake Texts Denis.

Jake: Hey Denis! When will my Break end? Because There's a Party Coming.

Denis: July 13.

Jake: Damn, 3 Days After the Party?

Denis: Hey! You Should be Grateful for having a 9 Days Break Asshole! Also. I'm Not There for the next Mission. Mist will Support You Instead. 

Jake: Wait What Happened? Is Your Wife Pregnant?!

Denis: No Dumbass! Thing is. Any Helicopter That Would be seen Flying by, EVEN IN 500 MILES AWAY. would be Recognized As An Attack Force. We'll get shot down if i brought You In. You'll Have to Climb the Mountain. 

Jake: Seriously? I'll have to climb it myself? Are you nuts!?

Denis: Look Jackass! I Risked my Ass For you in 2 Missions! Even if i was sitting my ass on the heli, It's Still Damn Hard to fly one! You Probably don't even have the slightest Idea of Flying it!


Denis: That would be with your New armor in Progress. And we decided to make it A Little Gray For Gunmetal cause um.. Pure Black Is Not that good for camo.

Jake: Alright. I get it. See you.

Jake gets off his phone and Eats with the music club. An Hour Later, They Go to School. Jake sits with Hailey In Class. Jake Speaks "Wow, We Got Here Early." Hailey Replies "Yup, Unlike you being late to rehearsals." Jake Replies "Look, I get it Princess, It was 3 minutes Late so does it really matter?" Hailey "Well, we have to wait for you everytime though." Jake Replies "Okay I'm Sorry! Damn." Jake Sees Drew. He Whips Out his Phone and Takes a Pic of Him. He Sends Denis The Photo as Drew is a Possible Suspect. Jake Gets his Phone Back. Zander Speaks "Kinda Shady He's Not Staying in the room. I'll Keep an Eye on him." Jake Replies "Thanks Zander." Luke Replies "I Don't Know, It's Pretty normal after Losing their best friend." Jake Stands up. Jake Replies "Yeah and What The Hell Is That Girl Drawing?" Jake sees the Drawing. "Is That Me? AND DREW KISSING?!" Jake's Jaw Drops "Hey! We Are Just Friends! Not Lovers!" The Girl Replies "He's Totally your Boyfriend! Stop Denying it!" Jake Replies "Yuck. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jake Goes Back to his Seat. Hailey Replies "What's Wrong?" Jake Replies "They drew a fanart of Drew and I Kissing." Drew gets inside. Drew Exclaims "What The Hell is this?!" Drew Kicks The Girl's Table and Throws the Drawing out of the window. The Girl Angrily Replies "Hey! What Is Wrong with you?!" Drew Yells "I'M NOT GAY. ONE MORE TIME I SEE A DRAKE FANART, THAT WOULD BE THE END OF YOU." Drew Takes a Seat. Jake and Hailey Laughs. "Oh Damn! Hailey I Can't  Breathe!-" Hailey Replies "Relax! BWAHAHAHAHHA-" Liam and Henry sees Them. "Yo Henry, You think There's Something going on with these two?" Henry Replies Quietly "Shut up Liam. Jake Told Me To Watch Drew. Jake Said Something isn't Right about him." Liam Replies "Kinda True, Drew Skips Class The Same Way as Jake Does... Nah! It's Probably about Zoey! Drew's Probably Thinking All Night About Her!" Henry Replies "No Liam! Shut Up!" Drew Throws a water Bottle at Liam. Jake Glares at Henry. Henry Anxiously Laughs. Zander Asks Jake "Jake. What is with those Assholes?" Jake Replies "I'll Explain at Lunch. Now's Not the Right time." Henry is in Relief as he whispers to Liam "I Thought Jake is Gonna Do Some Ninja Esque on me. That would probably hurt more than milly beating me up." Drew Uses His Phone. Zoey gets Near him "Drew?" Drew replies "What Do You Want?" Zoey "We Need to Talk." Drew Replies "The Audacity. I gave you everything you asked for and You Hang out with some Other Guy?" Zoey Replies "Drew.. I Love You!.. You Know That Right?.." Drew Growls and Yells At Zoey "YOU DON'T!.. YOU LOVED THE MONEY! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU WHORE!.." Zoey Replies "Drew Plea-" Drew Cuts Her off "SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU WERE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH MY MONEY!"  Zoey Replies "You Used to Do 'It' with me all Night! How was that not Love?!" Everyone Looks At Them. Henry And Liam are trying their best to not Laugh. Drew and Zoey Blushes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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