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In The Principal Office.

"So Am I gonna get kicked out?" The Principal Replies, "No Jake, It's Fine, But Please try to Control Your anger, I know what you did is Self Defense. You're free to Go." Jake Replies "Thank you Ma'am." Jake Leaves the office and Walks through the hallway. Daisy Runs up Jake "Jake What the Hell are you doing!?" As Daisy Pulls Jake's Arm And Jake Replies "Daisy. Please Stay away from me, I'm Sorry." Daisy Replies "Come on Jake.. You can Tell Me Everything!" Jake Replies "No Daisy! I-I'm Sorry! I Just can't tell you what Happened, It's not Good at All." Jake Lets Go of Daisy Walking Away from her. "Jake..." Jake Gets Inside the classroom with Everyone Staring at him with fear, Including The Music Club Members. Jake Clenches His Bloody Fists As He walks into his Seat. Jake Uses His Phone as There's no teacher yet. Zander Throws a Book at Jake. Jake Reacts To This and Rips the Book In Half By Just Slapping it mid air. Hailey Yells At Zander "Zander! what are you doing?! You're gonna Piss him off again!" Jake Briefly Looks at them and Minds his Business as He doesn't want a fight with zander. "Well Luckily He didn't come to punch you Zander." The Two Gym Students behind the back are whispering at each other on how to beat Jake up. Lunch Time Comes As No Teachers were coming to the classroom. Jake Gets a call From an Unknown Number. Jake goes Outside the Classroom and Answers the call. "Hello?" The Caller Replies "Hello Jake Sterling." Jake Replies "How Did you-" The Caller Replies "My Name Is Denis, We are From The Shadow Syndicate. We are Hiring You For £90M. But first, meet us Outside the School. and You will work for us. So what do you say? Deal?" Jake Is Pleased to Hear this and Replies "Alright! Deal!" Denis Replies "Good! Meet us In front of the School alright?" Jake Replies "Alright!" The Call Ends. The Music Club Members are Gossiping. Milly Asks Everyone "Hey Guys, Isn't it Strange that Jake Has Lockpicks and a Butterfly Knife in his Bag?" Zander Replies "Hell Yeah! He even has £1M In His bag. how the hell did he even get that Much Money?!" Milly Replies "I have an Idea. Let's Steal it." Jake Catches Them Touching his Bag And Gives them a Death Stare. Hailey Replies "Um Milly. Stay away from the bag." All of them Backs Away from Jake's Seat. Jake Throws an empty Pen Into His Chair like a shuriken to Ensure that Nobody gets near his bag. Jake walks into his seat then removes the Stuck Pen and sits down using his phone. Zander Yells out "JUST WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS?! BATMAN!?" Hailey Shushes Zander "He'll Hear You Idiot!" Jake is Still on the Phone and Daisy Is Concerned About Him. Daisy asks Sean "Sean, Please tell me what's wrong with Jake. This isn't Normal!" after hours, class got suspended. Jake Goes outside the school making sure no one followed him and Meets Denis. Jake Starts the Conversation "Hello Sir! So when will everything Start?" Denis Replies "Well, now to be exact, follow me." Jake Follows Denis to a dark alley. Denis Opens a Secret Door to an underground organization, Jake Asks "What is This Place?" Denis Replies "Welcome to The Shadow Syndicate. Oh um, Get your Weapons and Armor in the armory." Jake Replies "Alright." Jake walks around finding the Armory for 3 minutes. Denis Calls Jake "It's right at the corner dumbass."  Jake looks at the sign "Oh! Haha!.. I'm so Stupid." Jake walks into the Armory and sees lots of weapons "WHOA!" The Armourer Calls Jake "Psst! You're Jake Sterling Right? I have Perfect Weapons For you!" Jake Replies "Alright! So Um, Who Are you?" She Replies "Oh I'm The Armourer, You can call me Mist Though!" Jake Replies "Alright!-" Mist Replies "So Here it is. a Suppressed Glock and a Suppressed Dragunov. Oh and your Armor is Right there." Jake Is pleased to see His Armor "Holy Shit! This Is so Amazing!" Jake Puts on His Armor In the Changing Room and Gears up for the mission assigned for him. Meanwhile in the Music Club, Everyone Noticed That Jake Was not Roaming around the school as Usual, Daisy Gets Inside The Music Club "Guys, Have you Seen Jake?" Hailey replies "No Daisy, He's not Here." The Music Club Talks To Daisy For a While as The Dromies can be Seen Eavesdropping their conversation. Meanwhile, Jake Gets Inside a tall building. "Alright, I'm In." Denis Replies "all you have to do is Get that Jewel and Get out of there. Also, See that light on your glove?" Jake Replies "Yeah?" Denis Replies "That thing would Detect Laser Security Easily. if it flashes Blue, There's nothing, but if it flashes red, There's a Laser waiting for you, oh also, Lasers aren't Visible like in the spy movies so better Equip your Thermal Goggles." Jake Replies "Alright. So where do I Start?" Denis Replies "Well, Try climbing that thing up, Might take a while th- HEY WHAT THE HELL!?" Jake Backflips from wall to wall until he reaches the top. Jake Flips out midair and throws a knife at a Guard. Jake Lands "Okay what's next?" Jake pulls Out The Knife and puts it back. Denis Replies "Look, Just press that gray button on your wrist, you'll have a Map." Jake Replies "Uh, which Gray Button?" Denis Replies "Bro It's the button with the map Icon." Jake Replies "Got it." Jake Makes His way through Sneaking Up on Guards Constantly and Killing Them. Jake Eventually gets Into a Heavily Guarded Area, Jake Peeks and goes back to cover quickly "What The Fuck?! Denis! I need You here!" Denis Replies "what's the problem?" Jake Replies "These guards are Serious! they have an RPG for Luni's Sake! and the only way in is through the Laser Entrance! They'll see me Getting Inside!" Denis Replies "Alright! Alright! Calm down. Just Get through The Security Room and Intimidate The Guard." Jake Goes Upstairs And Finds the Security Room. Jake Gets Inside the Security room and Points a gun at the Guard. Jake Whispers "Don't Make a Noise. Turn Off the Lasers." The Guard Turns Off the Lasers. "Please don't kill me!" Jake Replies In a low tone voice. "Good. you get to live another day. if you dare to tell anyone, I'll Put a Bullet in your head." He Whips The Guard with the pistol Knocking the Guard out Unconscious. Jake Gets Inside The Room where the Jewel is Being Guarded And Takes Out the Guards Silently. The RPG Man Takes a Peak and notices The men are missing. Jake Chokes The RPG Man From The Back and Punches his face to make sure He's Unconscious. Jake Gets to the Jewel and Takes It. "Denis I got the Jewel." Denis Replies "Good. Get out." Jake walks to an open window "Goddamnit. Here we go again." Jake Jumps and Reduces fall speed as he Manages to Grab onto a Helicopter's Landing Skid, Jake Notices that Gunships are Chasing him. "Oh. My. Luni." He Gets both of his legs clinging onto the Landing Skid as he Starts Shooting at the Gunships With the Sniper rifle He had on his back. The Gunships were still flying and Returns fire. "Oh Crap!" Jake Dodges Every single Bullet while clinging onto the helicopter. Jake Successfully shoots the rotors Destroying the Gunship's Flight mechanics. Jake Escapes. Meanwhile in the Music Club. Henry Is Getting Beaten up By Milly. "You never Learn Your Lesson Lettuce brain!" Milly Kicks Him until Henry is unconscious. Hailey Stops Milly "Hey Milly! You're gonna get expelled!" *She Grabs Milly as Milly Fights Hailey, Zander Grabs Milly as Well. Drew drags Henry Outside the club as All of them are questioning Where Jake is. After 20 minutes, Jake Comes Home. "Hey Mom! KFC for Dinner!" Jake's Mom Replies "Thank Goodness you arrived." To be continued in the third Chapter!

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