Forgiven? (Censored)

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Hailey Chases Jake and Grabs Him. Jake notices her "Hailey?" Hailey Replies "Well, we're having Dinner at my place, do you wanna come?" Jake Replies "Sure But what Time?" Hailey Replies "we'll start eating at 8:30 PM" Jake Replies "What the Shit!?- Alright. I won't be Late I promise, I just have to Wrap this up." Jake Smiles And Walks Straight into a Pole. Milly Laughs And Everyone Else facepalms. "I'm Okay!" Jake Continues to walk away with His Face as red as a tomato. 7:00 PM.

In The Music Club Group Chat

Milly: Get your ass Up Sean! We're Ordering Stacy's mamamia pizza for this!

Sean: Bet!

Zander: Oh for the Love of Luni these Idiots Again.

Hailey: Where the Hell Is Jake? He's supposed to Update us

Zander: See! I told you, he's playing with us.

Jake: I'll come but I'll have to wrap something up. I'll be Right on Time

Hailey: See Zander? He really meant that Apology, and Jake, Don't Do Something Stupid like the other Night

Jake: Will Do Princess!

Zander: What do you mean "Other Night"??. Oh wait. DON'T FREAKING TELL ME.

Hailey: My Overprotective Brother is at it again. (Unamused Emoji)

Jake is Geared up "Alright. Good thing I Geared up early. an hour is enough." Jake Climbs up Denis' Helicopter. They Fly Away. Jake Gets Inside The Iron Paladdin Experiment Site. Jake Knocks out Guards That were Guarding the Info. Jake Disables the Heat sensors and goes up the camera room. "Where is The Intel on people who called an assault?" The Guard Replies "It's in the Server Room! Don't kill me!" Jake Puts his gun back in his holster and Punches Him knocking the guard out. Jake Disables the Laser Detectors.

Jake Hacks the Computer And Waits for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Denis calls Jake "You know Jake you really Should've checked your ammo-" Jake Replies "No Need! Mist Probably filled it up!" Denis Replies "Why am I working with this idiot.." Jake Replies "Pardon?" Denis Replies "It was Nothing." Jake Gets The Server And Runs Out. More Guards Show Up and Point their Rifles at Jake. "Nowhere to Run Asshole! Give the Server Back or We will Turn you into a Beehive!" Jake Replies "Oh yeah?" he Tries to shoot but the he has no ammo. "what?- One Second!" Jake Swaps to His Sniper Rifle but it has No ammo too. "Oh God. you have got to be f***ing kidding me.." Jake Screams and Dodges Every Single Bullet While Running Away. Denis Replies "Hey Why are you Running away!? I know you can Beat them even without a gun!" Jake Replies "Dude! I want to go to Hailey as soon as possible! there are a thousand of them! how the hell am I gonna Make it if I fought them?!" Denis Replies "Good point. NOW LEAP INTO THE DAMN LADDER!" Jake Leaps Into The Ladder and Climbs up the Helicopter to get ammo. Jake Reloads His Sniper Rifle. "Alright! lock and load!" Jake Shoots at The gunships chasing them. a Fighter Jet swoops by, it goes 770 miles away and flies back. Denis Exclaims "Goddamnit! they aren't going easy on us!" The Fighter Jet Shoots a Missile. Jake Responds by shooting the Missile before it reaches them. "Jake Get the RPG!" Jake Replies "On it!" Jake Gets the RPG and shoots The Fighter Jet "Gotcha Bozo!" Jake Slips and Falls off Denis Exclaimed "Jake!" Jake's foot got stuck on the ladder. Jake Screams.

Meanwhile at Hailey's House
"He's Gonna be late." Zander Replies "See? He's still friends with Drew." Everyone Hears Jake Screaming. Hailey speaks "I'm gonna Go Check it out." Hailey is Walking to the door slowly.
Jake Destroys the Gunships and Quickly Takes His Gear and armor off. "Denis Put The bag back home!" Jake Gets Down and runs to Hailey's house. Jake Opens the Door. Hailey Speaks "Jake! You're here!" Jake Is Rapidly Breathing "Y-Yeah!" Jake kneels down on the floor as he is very Dizzy. Hailey Replies "Whoa! are you Okay!? What Happened to Your Hand!?" Jake Stands Up. Jake Replies "Yeah.. just wrapped a Few things up. Oh my god I'm going to Puke." Hailey Quickly Drags Jake to the Trash bin. Jake Pukes inside the bin. The Music Club Members Notice them. Milly asks "whoa. what happened?" Hailey Replies "He Came Here Dizzy after Wrapping something up." Zander Replies "He Definitely Fell into a manhole, his hair looks like hell." Jake Stands Up. "I Really Hate This Job." Hailey Replies "What Job Is It!? You Sneaked out Last Midnight! I'm not Believing that it was just late night Shopping." Jake Spaces Out. Hailey Continues "Secrets have a cost Jake. they're not for free.. not now.. not ever.." Jake Replies "I-I'll Tell you Later. It's a Terrible one." Zander Replies "Look Jake. You flirt. with my sister. Now, Don't Keep Secrets From Her, We Saw Illegal Items inside your bag last week, Whatever Bullshit You're doing, Spill. it. out." Everyone looks at Jake. Jake Is Backing Away Slowly. "Look! We can Talk about it Later Zander! Michael and Shannon would Kick me out if they hear this!- A Knock From The Door can be heard. "Open Up!" Jake Takes Cover behind the Chair. "Please tell me It's not them!" Milly Opens the Door. Jake Yells "Milly No!" The door opens slowly..
Milly Replies "The Pizza's here!" Jake stands up and sighs in relief. "T-That was Nothing! I Swear!" Zander Replies "This isn't Funny Jake! This could be detrimental to all of us!" Milly Replies "Who Cares! Let's Talk about this Later! the Pizza will get cold!" Zander Sighs and Replies "Alright Jake. Tell Us After we eat." Jake Sits Down Between Hailey and Milly.

Zander Luke Sean

Hailey Jake Milly

Jake is Anxiously Looking at All of Them. Hailey Holds His Hand Under the Table. Jake Calms Down. Milly Speaks "Looks Like you Really have a thing for her after all!" Jake Replies "Milly Don't Say it Out loud." Milly Opens the First Box Of Pizza. a Knock on the door can be heard. Jake Stands Up. Jake Opens the Door "Oh hey Denis! what brings you here?" Denis Replies "Well, You forgot your Bag back at home, You said you're having a sleepover right? Thank me Tomorrow, we got work to do on that info." Jake Replies "Oh! Alright." Jake Takes his Bag and Closes the Door. Zander asks Jake "Who was that Guy? Is He Involved with 'work'?" Jake Replies "Yeah He Is. I'll Tell you Later, and Better not Tell anybody from school except the Music Club." Jake goes back to his seat. They All Start Eating. Jake Is Eating Chicken and Mushroom soup. Sean Asks "So Yeah Jake, Where do you get these Stuff? Back at School you had a butterfly knife and now, you're Hiding from someone?" Jake Replies "Look, I'll Explain Later. It's a Sleepover Right? I don't want Panicking in the dining room." Everyone Proceeds to Eat. Jake Grabs his chicken leg and dips it into Gravy. Milly randomly Laughs at Jake. "What? The Chicken is Great!" Zander Replies "Jake You Nimrod- *Sigh* Whatever, you're such an idiot." Jake Pouts. Hailey Speaks "Jake, Whatever's Bothering you, I there's a solution to it." Jake Replies "I'll Tell you guys after we eat." Jake Looks at his food. Jake Continues to eat. Milly asks Sean "Hey Sean, Did we Forget the drinks?" Sean Replies "It's Just Under the Table." Milly Replies "Oh! The coke, right. Luke Wipes Zander's Cheek, Zander Blushes. Milly Pours herself a Drink. Jake Takes one Chicken with a plastic bag and Tries to walk away from the table. Zander Yells "Hey! You Already had 2 Chickens!" Jake Stops and Replies "Haha.. i guess you caught me-" Jake Puts the Chicken Back, Jake walks to the Kitchen to wash his Hands. Hailey Finishes Eating as well and Washes her Hands "Hey Jake." Jake Replies "What's up?" Hailey Replies "About the Competition, there's actually one that's coming again." Jake Replies "Really? How many days until the competition?" Hailey Replies "3 months." Jake Replies "Oh! so um, can I participate this time?" Hailey Replies "Yes Jake." Jake Smiles. Jake And Hailey Prepares for the Sleepover, Jake and Hailey Has Eye Contact for 10 Seconds while blushing. Jake Breaks eye contact "I-Umm.. sorry- let's go to Zander and the Others-" Hailey Replies "Alright-" Jake And Hailey goes to the Bedroom Together. Milly Is Having a Pillow Fight with Zander and Luke, Sean Is Protecting his Laptop from Everyone. Hailey Exclaims "What the Heck!? Milly!" Milly Stops. Zander Exclaims "Thank god. I thought I was going to die!" Milly Replies "Chill Out Zander! it's just a Pillow!" Zander "You were hitting us too Hard! Millicent!" Jake Chuckles. Hailey Sits down on the bed and uses her phone. Zander Asks "Also Jake. what were you gonna Say to Us?" Jake Replies "I-I'm gonna tell you Tomorrow! goodnight Zander!-" Zander Yells at Jake "Enough of the Bullshit Jake! Tell us!" Jake Replies "Okay Alright! Damn!.." Everyone Looks at Jake. Jake Continues "I was Hired By a Government Organization. The Shadow Syndicate. I Do their Dirty work for Ninety Million Pounds Sterling. I'm an Assassin Zander. (Everyone's Eyes Widen in Fear and Betrayal) After Getting Kicked Out of the Club, I Became an Outcast again, a Freak! it was Middle School all over again! I never Meant Everything I Said In that Audio. Especially the one I Said About Hailey. I'm Sorry For Everything." Zander Replies "Y-You!? You're a Murderer!?" Milly Replies "I don't Understand! How Is this Possible!? This Sounds like a Really Bad Joke." Jake Replies "It's True. I'm Finding The One who Called an Assault on My House. And It's One of us In School! Mom, Milo, and Oreo had to Move into a Hotel For their Safety!" Hailey walks towards Jake and Slaps Him. Jake's Tears Come out after Getting Slapped Hard. Hailey Replies "....I'm not Kicking you out again. do you know what happens if you get arrested!? Even if you work for the Government You're Still Getting Arrested by Law Enforcement Jake! and I'm not gonna Let that Happen! Not to Mention you probably Almost Died Just Now!" Jake Tries to Hold Hailey. Hailey Gently Gets His Hand Away from her. "Go To Sleep Jake. If I Catch You Sneaking Out again." Zander Replies "Go to the Other Room Jake. You have to Earn our trust again."

Jake's Tears falls as he Replies "Understood." Jake Closes the Door and Goes to The Guest Room.
Hailey Cries in the Room. Zander Hugs Her. Jake Puts His bag down. Jake Puts His Weapons On the Bed and Sits on the Floor Listening to Music(I Wouldn't Mind - He Is We). Jake's Tears are Falling while he's thinking about Hailey.

Meanwhile In Hailey's Room
Zander Exclaims "He's a Killer Hailey! You Can't Trust Him!" Hailey goes silent. Milly Replies "I Thought It was a Joke at first, but the way he broke my baseball bat, It's Even More Believable!"
A Mercenary Breaks into The Window as another one gets in. Milly Exclaims "Who the Hell is That!?" Bethany Gets Inside the Room as She Heard This. Sean Saw Her and Holds Her to Protect Her. "What Are you doing Here Bethany?!" Michael and Shannon Barges Into the Room. Michael Shoots the Mercenary But The Other Mercenary Snatches Hailey and Goes up the Helicopter. Zander Yells "Hailey!" Jake Hears this and Bursts through the door. Jake Shoots The Mercenary 19 times but misses all his shots in Panic. "God damn it!" Jake Runs Back Into the Guest Room and Puts His Armor on. He Gives an M16A1 to Milly. "Defend the Others! I'll go get Hailey!" Jake Jumps into Denis' Helicopter Ladder but almost falls off. Jake Flies away With Denis. Milly Exclaims "Damn it! There's More Coming at us!?" Sean Yells "Milly look out!" Milly Shoots a Mercenary at the Head. Zander Yells "What the Hell!? Oh Shit. I'm Gonna Throw up." Michael Exclaims "Shannon Call The Cops. This Isn't Looking Good." Shannon Replies "Got It. Milly Guard Every Window. Jake Said There are More Coming For us." Milly Replies "On It!"

Jake Exclaims "They Can't be Far Away! I Just Saw them!" Denis Replies "Calm Down! This Is a Fast Helicopter!- Iron Paladdins On the Side!" Jake Shoots them with a Glock and Throws a Grenade at Them. Jake Yells "I See Her! I'll Go Down the Ladder, Get Some Speed!"

a Guy In a Black Hoodie and Gray Pants Threaten to Kill Hailey "Look at you. A Helpless Little Freak." Jake Yells "Hey! Unhand The Girl Assholes!" Jake Jumps Off and gets inside through the window, but he lands on a chair with wheels. "NOOOOO!-" Jake Slides Outside the Room and Gets Locked out. The Guy Threatening to Kill Hailey Sees This "Huh? What a Freaking moron."
an Iron Paladdin Mercenary Asks "This Guy Was Friends With Our Boss?"

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