He's Back

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-Few weeks later-

So, I've got about a month and a few days left before I have to leave. It's kinda sad, but I have to. I just know I gotta be strong, for me, for Louis and for the kid.

I get out of bed and see Louis putting on sweats. I groan and sit up asking "What are you doing?".

Louis says "We need to get up and start getting ready because we are going to Paris!".

I smile and say still kinda sleepy "Yay.".

Louis says "Okay baby, I got out your black sweats, your white Mickey Mouse sweat shirt, your white bra and pink underwear, your socks and your white vans.".

I say "Thank you.".

I try to get up, but my tummy got to big for me to even lift myself. I ask "Louis, can you help me babe? I can't get up.".

Louis runs over and says "Yeah.".

He grabs my hand and helps me get out of bed. I get up and then say "Thank you.".

I kiss him and say "I love you.".

I walk over to where Louis sat my clothes and I undressed. I threw on my pink underwear and my blue bra, then I throw on my Mickey shirt, then my sweats, and then I ask "Louis can you put my shoes on, I can't reach my feet?".

Louis says "Yeah just give me a minute.".

He finishes packing the clothes and stuff, then he comes over and kneels down to put my socks on and then puts my white vans on. I say "Thanks Baby.".

Louis smiles and says "Anything for you.".

Then we hear "Guys come on, the bus is waiting!".

I look and see one of the security guards waiting in the kitchen. I say "Yes sir!".

I grab my phone and suitcases and I finish packing. We walk out of the room and the guards guide us down out of the lobby to the bus.

We all have the bus surrounded by girls. I say "Here we go.".

We all go outside and then I feel my phone buzz. I look at it and it was a unknown number. I read the text...

Turn around, I'm back- Unknown number

I turn around and see Derrick. Derrick was wearing a hood but I could see his face clear as day. He was smiling with an evil grin. I gasp and whisper into Louis' ear "He's here Louis.".

Louis asks "Who?".

I try not to cry "Derr-Derrick.".

Louis says "What?!".

Louis looks around and I whisper "Stop.".

Louis says "Okay, but Hold on to me tight.".

I say "O-Okay.".

Louis grips my shoulder tight and he pulls me on the bus. I start to breath heavily and Zayn asks "Whats wrong?".

I say about to cry "Derrick's here!".

Harry freaks out and asks "What!?".

Then I hear the door to the bus open and I see Derrick. I cry and he says "There you are you little whore.".

Then Louis gets in front of me and Derrick just laughs "Really, You married this cream-puff?".

I shake and Louis stands in front of me and growls "You touch her, you will fucking regret it.".

Derrick says sarcastically "Ooh, I'm so scared.".

Louis holds me back and then Derrick takes a swing to Louis' face. Louis falls to the floor and I yell "Louis!".

Then I see Louis spit out some of blood. Derrick gave his a little cut on Louis' lip because of his rings. Derrick takes my wrists and with one hand and I try to yank free, but it was no use. He was way to strong! I say "Derrick! Stop!".

Derrick slaps me so hard that I fall to the floor crying. I hear Louis and Harry say in sync "That's it!".

I see them tackle Derrick at the same time and beat the shit out of Derrick. I could even see his blonde hair had blood stains from his head. I feel Liam, Niall, and Zayn help me up. Louis straddles him and repeatedly punches Derrick. Then I hear Louis yell in between punches "Don't. You. Ever. Touch her. Again!".

Harry kept kicking Derrick as well. Derrick was groaning in pain and that's when I knew he clearly lost. I finally yell "Louis, Harry!".

They get off of Derrick and Derrick yells "this isn't over!".

I cry and Derrick runs off the bus. Harry and Louis run over to me and hug me asking "Are you okay?".

I nod and say ready to burst into tears "Ye-Yeah.".

Louis kisses me and I could see his lip and nose were bleeding. Louis says noticing I was looking at his wounds "I'll be fine.".

I say "Okay.".

Harry wipes my tears with his hand that had bloody knuckles and says "I'm sorry.".

I ask "For?".

Harry starts to cry "Letting him hurt my baby girl.".

I hug him and cry "I-I'm okay.".

Harry started moving my head around to examine my face and cry "He put a mark on your face.".

I feel the cheek that Derrick hit and whispered "It's fine, I'm used to his hits.".

The boys look at me and then Harry cries "That's the problem, you shouldn't be used to it!".

I gulp not knowing what to say. Harry takes my hands and rubs the top of them looking away fro me cause his eyes were filling with tears.

Louis puts his forehead on my shoulder and cries "I couldn't keep him from hitting you.".

Louis looks back up and me and I whisper trying not to cry anymore "I'm alright.".

Louis whispered "No, he hit you and I just fell to the grou-".

I cut him off my kissing him while tears filled my eyes. He kissed back and then pulled away. Louis whispers "I'm so sorry.".

I intertwine my fingers with his and look at Harry who was still crying.

-Hours later-

It was late and I decided I needed to sleep after all of what happened and the boys agree. Harry and Louis laid me down in one of the bunks. Then Louis squeezed in and cuddled me while Harry sat on the side of the bed waiting for me to fall asleep. They wanted to stay close cause they were still worried.

I slowly started to drift in Louis' arms and into a deep sleep while crying...

Living the Teen Dream: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now