Candy carrier chaos

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I know the episode is all about Pomni. But I feel like Y/n needs a little more representation in this one episode.

It showed darkness as many voices echo through. Caine said "Welcome to the Amazing Digital Circus!" Jax said "Pomni." Caine said "Pomni."
Ragatha said "Pomni." Jax repeated "Pomni." Ragatha repeated "Pomni..." Caine repeated "Pomni!" Ragatha repeated "Pomni" Jax repeated "Pomni." Caine repeated "Pomni!" Ragatha repeated "Pomni!"

Pomni woke up and looked around. She asked "Hello?"

Pomni walked forward a bit then notices her arm abstracting.

Pomni screamed "No! No! No!" She stammered a bit "Caine! Somebody, help me! Please!" Everything tipped and Pomni screamed going into a hole "No! No!"

Pomni looked up to see Caine, Ragatha, and Jax
Caine laughed "Looks like our new friend's already abstracted."

Ragatha chuckled "Well, I guess we're not all cut out for it."

Jax said "I don't even remember her name, honestly."

Pomni continued falling then when the hole closed, many abstracted eyes showed up.

Then her doorbell rings making her wake up with a yelp and she began wailing as she landed on a block then it glitched making her hit the wall then the floor. Pomni picked her head up and groans "Huh?" Pomni looked to see that it was just a dream.

Ragatha was outside Pomni's door "Hey, Pomni. How'd you sleep? Are you still sleeping?" She was about to leave "I'll let you get back to it, if you are." Pomni opened the door. Ragatha said "There she is. Hope you're doin' all right. I know yesterday was a bit of a doozy."

Pomni repeated "'A doozy'."

Ragatha continued "Oh, and don't worry about the whole "abandoning me for the exit" thing. It's perfectly understandable what you were going through at the time, and there's no hard feelings." She laughed "Yer all good."

Pomni looked confused then asked "Huh?

Ragatha looked to the side scared a bit "Uh, well, let's forget about all that. Caine's got a new adventure today, and judging by what he's been teasing, it seems like it's gonna be a fun one."

Everyone joined up to the main area. Caine said "Today's adventure is...Candy Carrier chaos! That's right! The Candy Canyon Kingdom's been robbed of their most valuable resource --" bubble showed a bottle "maple syrup! It's up to you to bring the rotten bandits who stole it to sweet, buttery justice!"

Bubble said "An entire kingdom of candy? Sounds sticky."

Caine agreed "Very sticky, indeed." Bubble said "Sounds [BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!]"

As the bleep was happening Ragatha covered Y/n's ears.

Caine said "Bubble, you can't say that."

Zooble said "Mmmmmmmmmmm, nope." She began to walk off.

Caine panicked "Zooble, wait! I-I'm testing out a new AI in this one! It should be 57 times more immersive!

Y/n said clapping their hands "Ooh, a new AI. You don't want to work with the new AI, Zooble?"

Zooble replied "Uh, yeah, no. Sorry Y/n." She began to walk off as Y/n shrugged then watched Zooble walk off.

Ragatha said "Whoa, sounds fun. What do you think, Pomni?" Pomni asked "So, our entire existence just LARPing?"

Ragatha was about to answer "W-Well, uh --"

Caine shouted "Why are you all just standing there?! The -- The Canyon -- C-Canyon Candy Kingdom needs you now!"

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