Chapter 3: Flaxans (2)

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Invincible, Apex Predator and Atom Eve arrived in Downtown Chicago again, regrouping with the rest of the Teen Team. The Flaxans had returned.

Rex: Last time they turned into shriveled old people, what's gonna happen now? Mummies?

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Rex: Last time they turned into shriveled old people, what's gonna happen now? Mummies?

From the portal, the leader Mark injured exited, wearing a red robe and combat armor. It seems time progressed forward enough that he's seen as their civilization's monarch.

Tanks and Gatling guns rained down fire on the civilians who were stupid enough to return to the same area of a previous alien invasion. The energy bolts cut through human life like a knife to butter.

Apex Predator: Oh, interesting.

Rex: They're not getting old, Robot. Why aren't they getting old?!

Robot: It appears they've found a way to resist our time stream.

Rex: In three fucking days?

Apex Predator: Three days for us, decades for them. Although, it's not enough time to build up a resistance. A technological advancement must have taken place.

Dupli-Kate: Who cares? I bet their bones still break.

Rex: So do ours!

Robot, Rex, and Dupli-Kate jumped on their hoverbike, traveling to ground zero.

Invincible: I'm not going to freeze up this time. I'm ready.

Apex Predator: That's the spirit. Focus on picking off the tanks. I'm heading for the portal.

Atom Eve: Show me your claws.

Apex Predator abided with her request and unsheathed his claws. With a single touch of her fingers, Atom Eve imbued her power into his claws, making them into mini chainsaws.

Apex Predator: That'll work. Be careful. Holler if you need backup.

Atom Eve nodded as Apex Predator jumped off the rooftop and crashed down into the center the Flaxans, tearing through forces left and right.

Invincible and Atom Eve flew down and joined in on the fray. Immediately, a line of Flaxans with heavy-duty energy snipers. The fired bolts cut through and destroyed the Teen Team's hoverbike.

Rex: Shit!

Dupli-Kate: Gotta stick the landing!

Robot: Spread out.

All three of them landed on the ground, surrounded by Flaxan soldiers.

Invincible and Eve flew past them but were hit by Tank laser cannon fire.

Eve erected a shield and sword, the shield deflecting the blast into a separate building. Invincible, however, took it on the chin which only stunned him. He decided to use his body as a floating battering ram to cut through the middle of the Flaxan's soldiers.

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