The first time I met you was in junior high. We had different classes but our schedules were very similar. For almost three whole years, we never noticed each other even though we walked the same way to school in the morning. We even left the school to go home at the same time. Both of us had after school club activities but they were completely different. I was in a dance team while you were on the volleyball team.

Volleyball. That's what started it all. I'd go back and replay the day we met over and over if I could. Your team was still practicing even after the dance team was let out, which was later than normal. Some of the girls had a crush on a few of the players on your team so we decided to watch your practice, for their convenience. Our captain knew your captain so he let us stay on the sidelines to watch and cheer you guys on, with the coach's permission of course. The volleyball captain claimed having girls watch would be motivation to get the guys to work harder.

"Watch out for the flying balls though. Being dancers and all, you probably don't know how to catch one, am I right?" Their captain teases the girls.

"Quiet, Mitsue! We can fend for ourselves!" Our captain stuck her tongue out at the boy, "Just cause our sport doesn't have a ball or anything doesn't mean we can't play a sport that requires one, idiot."

"Oh? Dance is a sport now?" He smirks at her fuming expression before walking back onto the court.

"You piece of crap." She growls quietly between grit teeth, "Mitsue never knows what he's talking about, that jerk."

"Yoko-senpai, you talk familiarly with him, don't you?" A second year teases, making the other girls giggle.

"W-we're just friends! Now shut your mouths and watch them!" Her cheeks redden as she took a seat beside me.

I was amazed with everything that went on during the hour I stayed. Never before had I paid attention to sports, volleyball much less, but after watching your team I fell in love with the sport. I didn't particularly notice you yet, but you definitely caught my attention when I had to leave earlier than the rest of the girls.

"My mother just messaged me and told me I have to get home for dinner. I'll see you later!" I smiled, standing up and waving to them as I walked away.

"Oku-senpai! Watch out!" Someone called out.

I turned my head towards the court to see a ball flying towards my face. My first instinct was to cover my face with my arms, but I couldn't do that. Someone pulled me out of the way right before it knocked me to the ground. The gym was filled with silence and I finally opened my eyes that I didn't realize were shut. My view cleared and I saw you. You were there and I was speechless.

"Are you alright?" You asked, letting go of me so you can have a better look at me.

"Y-yes. Sorry, I just need to get home." I started walking away but you grabbed my arm.

"What's your name and year?"


"I'm asking who you are so those idiots can come find you and apologize properly." You looked back at your teammates and glared, I assume, since they started laughing nervously.

"K-Kana Oku, Class 3-2." I bowed to you politely.

"Class 3-2..." you muttered, scratching your head as you thought about something.

"I'm sorry, but I have to leave. Um..."

"Shirabu. Kenjirou Shirabu." You looked back into my eyes and I stopped breathing for a moment, "Class 3-1."

"Thanks again," I bowed another time, "Bye, girls!" I turned back and waved to them once more before sprinting out of the gym.

The next day, I didn't expect to see you first thing before school. Walking down the hall, I happened to look up and saw you and two other boys from your team waiting outside my classroom. One of the boys noticed me first and pushed himself off the wall. He started strolling towards me but you grabbed both of them by their collars and roughly shoved them at me, forcing them to bow.

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