Two days left till intermiddle and both of our teams are practicing like no tomorrow. The drills and the punishments were tougher than normal during the past week. After practice, I would fall asleep with my head on your shoulder on the ride home. We had missed our train stop once due to us both falling asleep, but luckily a nice lady who takes the same train at the same time as us every day woke us up one stop ahead, so we weren't too far.

Even at lunch, we'd eat and we'd take turns taking a nap. When it was your day to sleep at lunch, I couldn't help but admire your sleeping figure. You looked so peaceful with the shade covering your face and the small bit of sunshine making its way through the cracks of the branches and leaves. I had to turn away before my mind decided to do something stupid, also so Akihiko and Nakamura wouldn't catch me.

The night before the event, the four of us stay behind at the boys gym to practice a little extra. Not that we aren't tired, but it feels right to be together before the big day. You set the ball for Nakamura while Aki and I stand on the other side of the court, ready to dig it.

"Let's~smash~!" The wing spiker shouts as he jumps into the air and spikes the ball down.

"Mine!" I yell, diving to get the ball into the air.

I wince in pain at the impact but smile once I see the ball is up.

"Kana." Akihiko overhand tosses it for me as I get back on my feet.

"Got it!" I run up to the net but the other two try blocking.

"Try again!" Nakamura teases, sticking his tongue out.

"Stop taunting me." I glare, softly bumping it over the block.

The ball hits the other side of the court, making the opposing side stare at it in shock. Nakamura lets out a high pitched laugh, causing you and me to jump due to the close proximity.

"I told you she's better than us!" Nakamura stares at me with dreamy eyes.

"You're over exaggerating, Mura." I shake my head, giggling as Akihiko jogs up to us.

"No, he's not." You speak up.

My eyes widen as I look at you, your eyes instantly reaching mine. We stare at each other for a moment before you talk again.

"You've improved a lot. I've told you this before, but I'm starting to think you're becoming better than us, probably combined. You're able to dig Nakamura's spikes now, which you struggled with before." You duck under the net and grab my arms to examine them, "They'll be bruised but at least you're getting used to it."

"Ahh! I'm so sorry, Kana! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Nakamura cries as he tackles me to the ground.

"Oof!" I groan at the impact, "I think you tackling me hurt more than the impact of the ball from your spike." I wheeze.

"Oops! Sorry, Kana!" He laughs nervously as he gets off.

"Oku." Your voice reaches my ears and I look up towards you.

I'm surprised to see your hand reaching out. Hesitantly, I allow you to help me up. Unfortunately, I trip over my own feet and fall into your chest. You catch me by the shoulders and bend down to look me in the eyes. My heart races and my cheeks heat up immediately.

"Are you alright? Maybe we should head home now. You'll be too exhausted for tomorrow." You press your forehead to mine, causing steam to blow out of my ears, "You're warm. Let's hurry and get you home." You grab onto my wrist and start pulling me out the door.

"W-wait! Shirabu, I-I'm fine! P-plus we have to clean up-"

"Our juniors can clean up, right?" He whips his head in the direction of the second years, making them gulp and nod.

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