Two weeks pass but we've only talked once. We still walk home together but the silence is as thick as steel. Even at lunchtime, our silence creates a tension in the classroom, causing my own classmates to distance themselves when they see our stoic expressions. Kawanishi doesn't seem to know how to handle us anymore. He leaves the room sometimes, saying he'll buy us drinks, but I think it's just a way for him to get away from the two of us for even a moment. Doesn't that bother you, that our friends don't even want to be around us when we're together anymore? It bothers the hell out of me.

Since it's been a while, Coach Washijo allows me to join your team during practice instead of lying on the floor on the second story. Ushijima must've said something to him about me seeming bored while I waited for you because he made me do dig drills alongside Yamagata once he realized I was even there.

Whenever it was your turn for spikes, you'd aim directly for me, slamming the ball with intense force that I've never seen come from you. I wince at the impact, looking at my arms once the ball is back in the air to see bruises already forming. This never happened with Nakamura's spikes, and those were always rough. The coach looks at us in awe, most likely not expecting you to smash the ball that hard and not expecting me to make a clean dig.

"Oku." Ushijima appears in front of me, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! I'm able to dig your spikes so Shirabu's isn't a big problem. Not that yours are super easy to dig, but still." I smile at him before looking at you with a grim expression.

Our gazes linger momentarily before we turn away and walk to our original positions.

"If you need to go to the nurse, just say so. One of us can take you."

"I'm fine, Ushi Sushi! You don't have to worry so much about me." I smile, patting his arm.

He looks me up and down as if he doesn't believe me but decides not to push it, walking away to the back of the line of boys to spike again.

"Hey! You, small bean!" The coach points at me, "Come."

"Small bean?" I sweat drop before rushing up to him, "Yes, sir?"

"What position do you play for the girls?" He asks.

"Wing spiker, sir." My voice is quieter.

"Are you on the starting line up?" He raises one of his big, bushy eyebrows in question.

"Yes, sir." I nod firmly, slightly holding my breath as if expecting him to yell at me.

"Now I know you. You're the one whose serves were unpredictable during the training camp. You also blocked a couple of Ushijima's spikes." He pauses, "I want you practicing with us every day after your team gets out."

"W-what? But-"

"You're a challenge for the boys, so I want you to continue being a challenge. Get better by working with them so they'll have motivation to catch up. Right now, I want you to work on blocking with Tendou and Kawanishi." He turns back to the boys on the court, "Oi! Get back to work! Stop staring at her like you're love struck!"

My face boils at his words. Did he really need to say that...? I turn to face the team, seeing them jump and immediately get back to drills. Coach Washijo shoos me away and I bow before quickly walking over to Kawanishi. The said boy pats my shoulder, comfortingly before looking at Tendou.

"Hello, Oku-chan~! I'm happy to be working with you and Kawanishi today! I already have something in mind. Shall we try?" The red head smiles.

Tendou, Kawanishi and I take up half of the net to practice what Tendou was testing out. Most of the second years help us for this mini project. Semi sets the ball for Soekawa to spike but out of the corner of my eyes, I see Ohira running up from behind for a back row attack.

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