The next few months feel off. You have been studying and practicing volleyball to no end. I began to take the train home late with you because you'd stay at the gym so long. Whenever our juniors stayed behind with us, we'd play a game of 2 vs 2 as always but whenever I played on your team, you'd set the ball for me too high or roughly where I'd have an awkward position for hitting. Not only Akihiko, but Nakamura noticed the difference in yours sets when it was me compared to them.

"What's his problem with Kana anyways?" Nakamura scoffs one day at lunch when you didn't show up for the hundredth time, "If I were in his shoes, I'd never treat Kana like that."

"We know, Nakamura, we know." Aki sighs, taking a sip of his peach milk.

"I wish I knew, otherwise he'd still be hanging out with us at lunch." I frown, picking at my food, not feeling too hungry now from my deflated mood.

"What a jerk." Nakamura growls, balling his fists.

"There has to be a reason. He literally asked to kiss you the same day when you were teasing him about not being sweet!" Aki exclaims.

"I-I know." I look around, "He doesn't even tell me where he goes at lunch. I stopped waiting for him outside of the classroom since I knew he'd just run off once the bell rings."

"You don't think he has a secret girlfriend, do you?!" Nakamura gasps.

"Doubt it. He obviously likes Kana." Akihiko deadpans.

"It's not obvious to me." I mumble, setting aside my bento and closing it up, "I think I'm gonna walk around a bit. Sorry, boys."

"K-Kana. We didn't mean-"

"You didn't do anything. I just need some time to myself." I smile sadly and grab my things before walking the perimeter of the school.

You still haven't told me what went through your mind that day that made it seem like you were blaming me for getting in the way of your goal. You haven't even told me what that goal is. It's been months. Every time I mention it, you scoff and turn away. You seem to push me away constantly recently and it truly feels like I'm losing you, even though we agreed losing each other would be the worst thing possible.

Eventually, I see you starting to look tired after practices when all we'd do is toss the ball back and forth to each other. Your stamina is noticeably weaker and your tosses are lower and less accurate than normal. Your face looks pale and your body seems to lazily move around as well. I notice how much heavier your breathing is today and as much as I'm annoyed with you right now, concern takes over, pushing past all of the anger I have towards you at the moment.

"Shirabu," I catch the ball, making you glare at me when I do so, "Are you okay? You don't look so-"

"I'm fine. Let's just keep going." You growl.

"But you're pale. You look sick-" my voice is soft as I start walking towards you.

"Oku, I promise I'm fine! Let's just keep going." You scoot back.

"Alright, but you need to tell me when you're not feeling well so we can stop and head home. It's already almost nine anyways." I look at the time on my phone before tossing the ball in the air and bumping it towards you.

"Yeah yeah." You mutter, tossing it back overhead.

I copy your move and you bend down to bump it back to me but your eyes close and you fall to the floor, the ball barely missing you. A gasp escapes my mouth and I rush over to your unconscious body.

"Shit, Kenjirou. I told you." I move you so you're lying on your back and your arms and legs straight, getting your blood flowing again by placing your legs over my knees.

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