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 "I am going to die of boredom. Who decided that we needed a tambourine soloist tonight. All he's doing is giving me a headache," Julian moaned.

"Shush! Cassia's on next!" I scolded my brother.

"Quiet, you two!" Mother whispered. The three of them were seated in the royal box. The red velvet seats were comfortable but my gown took up an uncomfortable amount of space. Mother's cape was not helping, either. Poor Julian was squished between them.

Cassia walked on stage and the whole conservatory went silent.

"Princess Cassia on the cello, playing Maximillion Crepin's Sixth Symphony."

Polite applause followed the announcement and Cassia approached her cello, looking lovely in a forest green dress.

She played perfectly and was by far the most entertaining to watch. Her eyes burned with passion she possessed only for the cello. She received a standing ovation.

"I had no idea my daughter was so talented!" Mother exclaimed, clapping furiously. Julian and I both smiled.

Later, Cassia joined them in the royal box and was grinning ear to ear. "Did you enjoy it, Mother?"

"Very much, darling. Very much. I'm so glad I decided to stay home from Ostera."

"As am I, Mother," Cassia said. She sat down beside Julian who kissed her cheek.

"I'm very proud of you, Cass," he said.

"And imagine, after this performance every eligible bachelor will be lining up to ask for your hand!" Mother hooked her arms through Cassia's and guided her toward a crowd of ladies she knew. They crowded around her like moths to a flame.

People headed towards the ballroom for the gala and I heard music playing.

"Come, let's go enjoy the party!" I grabbed Julian's hand and dragged him towards the dance floor.

"May I have this dance, my lady?" Julian asked, bowing. He grinned and I took his arm.

"You may."

Julian led me in a traditional Bellonan dance. I focused all my energy on not tripping on my gown.

When the music stopped, another man asked to dance and I left Julian to a group of adoring girls.

When the music started again, I moved across the room to face my new dance partner. I stood between my sister and Lady Bethany. Cassia's partner was... Lark! I raised an eyebrow and Cassia gave a slight nod in response.

Her partner swept me up in an elaborate traditional dance, and as I whirled around him, I felt a flash of familiarity. I studied my partner more intently, not recognizing anything about him except for his... eyes? They were green with flecks of gold and, somehow, I knew them.

"Excuse me," I said as the music slowed and the dancing stopped. "But I do not recall your name."

My words seemed to pain the man, but he forced a smile. "You don't remember me?" he asked, his voice shaky. He was sad and I suddenly felt an urge to say that I did remember him, if only to make him happy.

Instead, I shook my head. "I'm sorry," I apologized, "but I don't."

"Well, in that case, my name is Jax."

The name was surprisingly informal for someone of the upper class, but I liked it. It was comfortable and it suited him.

"Princess Selene," I offered, as if he didn't already know.

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