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 "What is the place? Why are you sneaking around? Who are you?"
"I'll start with the easy ones. I am Jax Leos." Jax grinned, but I could see panic in his green eyes.

"And who is Anastasia?" I asked.

"The princess of Andarna," Jax replied.

Andarna? "You mean the old kingdom?" I had learned about Andarna in my lessons with Lady Electra. It had been a failing kingdom before the Bellonan Empire conquered it. The people had been starving, bandits killed hundreds of citizens every year, and disease spread abundantly fast through the slums that took up most of the capital city, Delia.

"Yes, before the Bellonans destroyed it," Jax said, bitterly.

"The Bellonans saved it!" I argued. "Andarna was a failed country and the Bellonans made it a successful kingdom."

"Is that what they say? You must know better! Don't you feel how wrong that is?" Jax stepped closer and the intensity in his eyes both frightened and invigorated me.

"This is treasonous!" I exclaimed, but I didn't back away from him. Something flickered in the back of my mind, like a window opening to illuminate a hidden room.

"It's the truth! Listen to me, Ana, you have to remember. Remember, please!" Jax was yelling now, and I flinched.

"Get. Away. From. Me," I ordered, my voice cold. Jax stepped back and glared at her.

"You're just a coward. You know I'm right, and still, you're choosing not to remember. I should've known better." Jax stormed off and I didn't try to stop him, too overwhelmed by their brief interaction. I sat down on the dusty floor and held my head in my hands, trying to ignore the pounding headache in my head.

Why was I even thinking about this? Jax was either a pathological liar or delusional, possibly both.

But his words had struck a nerve. I felt uneasy, like there was something just out of my reach. I felt like there was a curtain over my memories and if I could only grab onto the rope, I could reveal everything that was missing.

But I was too short, so instead I made my way back to my bedchamber and lay down on my bed.

"Your Highness! Are you okay?" Aurora startled from her spot on the window seat. She shoved a piece of paper into her dress pocket and I noticed her face was flushed.

"Oh, Aurora! I didn't know you were here," I said, standing and brushing non-existent dust off my dress.

"No, I'm sorry." Aurora's eyes were puffy and my eye makeup streamed down my face.

"Aurora, are you okay?" I asked, stepping closer to the maid.

"Yes, Your Highness. I was just reading a letter from my family," Aurora explained, blinking frantically as if fighting tears.

Her family? I thought they had been killed years ago.

"Where do they live?" I asked, sitting back down on the bed. Aurora looked uncomfortable at the question and I suddenly felt bad for asking, but I couldn't quell my sudden curiosity.

"They are dead, Your Highness. This is an old letter."

"Oh. I'm sorry, Aurora."

Aurora seemed at a loss for words. Her face became guarded and cold. "I must return to my chores, Princess."

I watched her go, her back ramrod straight. Aurora carried herself like the princess she once was, and although she was dressed in plain clothing, she was beautiful. Far more beautiful than any of the girls from court, with their glittering jewels and glamorous dresses.

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