Chapter 7

74 3 1

WARNING: Sexual situations implied, gayness, tiny bit of swearing

Scarlette's POV

Renae nodded, casting a glance at Welsh, "Take Prince Tryton and Welsh with you."

Scarlette gaped, "Renae!" She gasped incredulously while Tryton sniggered.

Renae blushed a little, "I didn't mean for a bath, Welsh should show Tryton the best hunting spots...past the lake."

Tryton barely contained his smile, "I would love for that."

Scarlette pouted in annoyance, "What if when they come back they catch me naked?!"

Markas blushed red at the mention of nudity, and Scarlette suddenly realised why the two wanted privacy.

"I'm sure the boys wouldn't look my dear." Renae tried.

Scarlette scoffed, "Then we'd have to say that Prince Tryton is a gentleman."

Tryton gave Scarlette a baleful look, and Scarlette glanced away, "Fine."

Welsh wrapped an arm around his little sister, pulling her into a half hug. Scarlette lazily smiled at him, "Piss of Welsh."

Welsh grinned and removed his arm, gesturing Scarlette should walk out of the baker's door, that tryton just so happened to be holding open.

Scarlette scowled at the Prince, who said lightly, "Age before beauty."

Welsh began to chuckle and Scarlette just sighed, walking through the doorway. As they trudged through the lightly fallen snow, both Tryton and Welsh were on full alert, glaring at any older men that dared come near her. Unaware of this, Scarlette just watched the snowflakes fall from the clouds.

Scarlete glanced at the beautiful male Prince, and her brother like figure on each side, "You do realise that they are making little puppies right now."

Tryton nodded, looking disgruntled, "Yes. I do."

Welsh glanced around as they entered the first parts of the forest, "Do you have any other siblings, My lord? We have been cut off from the rest of the werewolf communities."

Tryton shook his head, "Mother has not been able to carry any pups to term, and father refuses to take another woman to his bed. So now he's pushing me to have pups."

Welsh looked intrigued, "What's the name of your mate if you don't mind me asking?"

Tryon sighed heavily, "I haven't got one yet."

Welsh chuckled, "I can see how that's a problem." Welsh looked pointedly at Scarlette who sent daggers at him.

Tryton tilted his head, "Neither of you have mates either I'm guessing?"

Scarlette huffed, hugging herself, "No, we don't. Welsh gives me sh*t about it, even though he doesn't have one."

Welsh shrugged, "In these times you need a man to lean on, to the humans women are weak, and will-"

Scarlette scowled, "I know." She growled.

Tryton chuckled at her pout, "We werewolves  have a much better understanding of ranks, Scarlette. In werewolf society Female's are highly respected, a female is just imposing as a male. The reason Welsh is pushing for you to get a mate because of the danger of rogue unmated males at Full Moon." The prince comforted her, but all he got was a half-hearted glare in return.

Scarlette sighed, and rested her head on Welsh's chest, "With this leisurely walk even if you did stumble across me bathing you wouldn't see a thing."

Tryton smirked, "I think that was the point."

Scarlette rolled her eyes, pushing the wolf away slightly. Tryton looked confusedly at the offending hand, "What was that for?"

Scarlette raised an eyebrow as she stood up properly to face the Wolf Prince, "SerioUSLY!" She shrieked mid sentence as she tripped over a rock, slamming into a hard chest. Tryton's hard chest.

Tryton grinned, and Welsh guffawed as Scarlette peeled her pink tinged face of the chest. "You seem to like that position."

Scalette snarled, "I'm sure you would, if you didn't enjoy that stick up your arse so much."

Tryton looked aghast, "Are you implying what I think you are implying?

Welsh stood upright, smirking as his little sister stated, "That you enjoy it up the arse? Yes. Must be why you have such difficulty finding a mate. They all throw themsleves at you but all you can think about is their hot brothers."

Tryton looked stone shocked, "I- ah-H- How-Why- wh-What? NO! That is not why! I-I just don't want a woman who worships the ground I walk on! Do you know how hard that is?!"

"As hard as you get when you see a hot woman's handsome barely clothed brother."

Tryton gaped and shook his head, placing his head in his palm, "Selene forgive her soul."

Welsh snickered and clopped his hand on Scarlette's shoulders, "That is enough debating about the Prince's sexuality, we are at the lake." And he was right.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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