Chapter 4

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  • Opgedragen aan Nandi

Chapter 4

Scarlette's POV

Mr Reed moved his gun up, just in time may I add, and the bullet barely missed my head. “MISS WILLIAMS!!!” He cried. The sheepish wolves behind me winced at his intensity. “What are you THINKING!!” He thundered, taking a step forward and raising his hand to slap me. “YOU STUPID WOMAN!” His hand came in contact with my skin, and anger bubbled in my blood. Searing pain across my cheek, and a throbbing eye was what I was left with when his hand left me face.

I heard two large, low growls from the wolves as one leapt over to me and the other went to attack Mr. Reed. “Don't. Leave him be.” I managed to gasp out before falling to my knees, my head was aching and I felt light-headed. “How could this be?!” The offender uttered, scared. “They are my trained wolves, I have been training them for a little while now.” I told him, my knees growing weak. The light grey wolf glared at Mr. Reed while the charcoal one licked my cheek. “Ow.” I groaned. 'Sorry miss Williams.' Tryton's voice wafted into my mind and I was too faint to close my mind. 'Are you okay?' Asked the other voice...Markas I think. “SHOO!” I heard my godmother say. “I'll look after her!” The towns folk scattered, none were to be seen.

My vision grew blurry, but I remember the wolf I had been leaning on changing into a human, and picking me up gently in his arms. In my semi-conscious state I didn't realise who it was and snuggled closer into his arms. 'Scarlette?' Tryton asked uncertainly. Hearing no answer he realised how badly the hit had effected me, and told the others with a panicked voice. I quickly drifted off to sleep in the warm arms.

Sorry for the long waiting time! I have already written chapter 6 though! Be proud of me lol.

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