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Russia had a light smiel on his face going back to the oak tree having some cookies with him. His friend told him he loves sweets and today Russia saved up some just for him... "I hope he will love them" soon he was there waiting

As America walk to it looking at his phone and sigh "I can't stay long tonight. Dad told me to be at the base by midnight and it's almost 20:00/8:00pm" he stated running being late and the smile gently looking at the far "Ivan~!" Russia turn around and smiled. He had a plate in his hands which confused the American but he just ignored it "Hey, sorry for being late"

"It's okay" Eussia look down "I brought some cookies. My siblings had left overs" it was a lie he needed to hide cookies away from his siblings before giving them

But it didn't matter as America got big eyes "Really?"

"Yes" he took off the cloth and smiled "what do you think"

"They look amazing" America took off Russia's ushanka and move his bangs kissing the boy's forehead. Immediately Russia got red as his right eye flinch turning yellow for few seconds. But it was enough for America to see and look at his confused, moving his sunglasses and rubbing his eyes "I am just tripping"

Russia on other hand didn't realize it and just look down embarrassed being red "thank you..." he mumbled gently

"Yeah...always" he took a cookie taking a bite "fuck it's good-" he stuff the whole one on his mouth and set down. Russia wet down putting the plate on his lap smiling at him only watching America just eat "Are you magician?"

Russia just giggled "no no- I am just cooking for my 14 siblings all the time as papa is scared somebody will try to poison us"

But immediately America choke on his cookie "What-...YOUR FATHER HAD 15 KIDS?!"

"No- I already told you. Only me and two of my other siblings are biological-rest are adopted"

"Wow- i guess some communist are good people"

Russia look down "...well some pigs are good too" he gently blush again then look up at him "you show me that"

America look at him and smile warmly "I glad to know that..."

He nod gently and look back down "just..." Russia huff "eat the cookies-"

"As you say Ivan~ but there are only 2 left. Don't you wanna take one"

"No, no. I got them for you"

"Mmmm" America took plate out of his hands. Then place his head on Russia's lap and look up at him smiling and put plate on his chest "feed me"

"I- fine...you lazy" Russia grab the cookie and gently was breaking it feeding America who had a smile eating

"Can you make me sweets more often?"

"I-...I mean if you like them that much I can..."

"I like them like I like you?"

"What-? What do you mean?"

"I like them really sweet. This persona of an a mad troublesome teen does nod Sue you. I mean you cook for your siblings- and clearly take care of them all alone...you are more carrying and sweet kid then a mean one" Russia look down smiling but as he tho more of it his smiel disappeared "why such a face..."

"Because..." he sigh "I can't be nice to American soldiers. And if I keep the cold face then nobody will try to mess with me. That's what my father told me"

"Do you think it's true"

"Yeah, he is a strong man and only reason why he is in trouble is because another strong man is against him...also I need to be strict with my siblings because there are 14 of them and it's hard to take care of that many kids. I am so tired. Some of them have been sick and I didn't sleep for nights"

"...do you want me to help you-"

"No! You can't!" He immediately stated shaking his head "I-I can't show you my siblings. You already saw one of them and I hate it. I need to protect them until papa is back home and we can go back to Moscow...I miss Moscow"

"Why are you here..."

"It's safer...but Moscow is my home" Russia looked at the sunset "...my home" he sniff having twats "I hate this cold war...it will maybe kill my father...and I am far from home...don't you hate it too"

America look the way "yeah...I guess so"

"Don't you miss your home..."

"No...not really"

"What? Why..?" Russia look down at him

"I was mostly all alone at my home. To be honest doing drugs or working" he looked at Russia "hey wanna come with me to America"

"No, never. I told you already...Moscow...I wanna go there"

"Fine..." America lift up and put hands on his cheeks "it's a shame. I would love to have you next to me"

Russia put hands on his hands "...for what..."

"For us to cuddle. I love cuddling"

"Me too...I squally just cuddle papa...but he is busy"

"I am not, you can cuddle me"

Russia smile gently and moved only getting in his arms. They change position with America leaning on the gree now and Russia sitting next to him being in his arms cuddling. But it didn't take long for Russia to be in his lap resting with his nose hurried in America's neck "...do you always smell like this?"

"Yes, it's my favorite perfume"

"Which one is it? It smells so manly" Russia only snuggled more. He was letting his own body take control

"Old spice" (I goggled it and it was really popular plus existed)

"I like it" he giggled

America let him having a warm smile. But look at his arm watch "I need to go"

"What?...do you need to" Russia look at him with sad eyes

"I-...I mean...I can stay"

"Stay for me..." he sniff and look down

America blush gently "yeah...I can stay" he took off his jacket and put aprud Russia's shoulders then just wrapped arms around him and pull closer "I will stay if You stay with me here the whole night"

"Mhm, I can stay..." Russia was blushing mess...his heart started beating faster then ever...all the worry of world felt like disappearing
1076 words

-Hehe they are getting closer

Too young for this... (RusAme) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now