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America didn't have time to meet up with his friend again before a meeting. There were bunch of countries there being present. Most just being in small groups having distance from others. Everyone was on their tippy toes because of a Cold War happening between USA and USSR

But Soviet didn't look his usual cold self. He was sitting down looking at his oldest son smiling happy to be with him

And Russia was happy too to be with his father "Я рад, что ты привел меня (I am glad you brought me)"

"Я тоже... (Me too...)" Soviet answered calmly and pat his son again "Я скучал по тебе. И хотел провести с тобой время, хотя я тоже буду здесь занят, но это тоже важный урок. Посмотрите, как я разговариваю с другими странами (I missed you. And wanted to spend time with you even tho I will be busy here too, but this is important lesson too. Watch how I talk with other countries)"

"я понимаю (I understand)" Russia giggled happily

Soviet kiss his head only "he is still so soft. In his age I was able to fight a bear bare handed" he moved away and look at Russia "It's okey, he will grow too...and until he is ready I will protect him"

"Ussr" a man behind him said "can we have a word?"

"Mm? Yes" Soviet got up

As Russia look at the man and smiled "Hi, China"

China look at him and smile back "good to see you too little Russia. I will give you your papa back in a moment"


Soviet walked away with China only "So what did you needed"

"America will be here soon"

"Okey, good to know"

"Also UN said he will step in before you and America start screaming at each other again. That means be careful not to step out the line"

"I can't even say what I want in Thai stupid building with that god looking dick stepping it"

"Lower your voice..."

They kept talking on a corner as Russia was alone only drinking his juice. There was alcohol water and juice only and he was too young for alcohol. Well at least in the public places "I need a bathroom" he got up and got out going to the hallway

At that time America got inside a meeting room and smiled walking to his father who he didn't saw in a long time

"tu me manques trop. où est ton père?  (I missed you so much baby. Now where is your dad?)"

"I am right here-" uk walk up to them and sigh "I missed you too"

France smile widely and hug his husband kissing him deeply. America look other way only letting his parents have a moment of reunion. But as he was looking other way his heart drop and face went black "...Ivan?"

Russia was walking back to his seat after a bathroom. Having his flag of course like everyone "I hope papa is not back and worried" soon he got lost in a crowd of people

As America look at France and uk having a blank stare. Uk was dirt to notice and put hand on France's lips "what happened"

"I was flirting with an Russian boy and it was Soviet's oldest kid"

"What-...you did what?!" Some countries look at them and uk smiled uncomfortable. The grab America and his guard pulling them to the side "you mean Russia? Like Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic"


Uk just went mute as France step in "He is 15 in human years and well real once too- what do you mean you were flirting with him..."

"I mean making him a boner and kissing his face. I wanted to fuck him too-"

"America-...you pedofile" Uk mumbled "well he does not know who you are"

"No!" America whispered and yelled at the same time "He thinks I am just a really hot American pilot- nothing more. But knows my face shape, if he sees me he will know. And even worse tell Soviet who would then murder me"

"Well...you need to give a speech- and he will be watching" France aid worried

Uk then got idea "I will go talk with UN to tell Soviet that kids are not slow on this meeting"

"He will ask why-"

"I will think of something you morons- just hide from the boy" Uk walked away as America look down

His head was a mess. He started liking the boy and now similarities with RE made so much sense "fuck I need to stop seeing him. Should I just never see him again or tell him we can't each other- maybe I am leaving to America! But what if he sees me in the town" he put hands on his face "I am so fucked. This is why you don't mess with Russians idiot!"

Soon uk came back "it's all okey. UN told me he is okey with my request and will talk to Soviet"

America sigh with relief but...worse will come soon

As Soviet used his key to bring Russia back home "Извините, я не знаю, почему они изменили правила из ниоткуда. (I am sorry I don't know why they changed rules out of nowhere)"

Russia sniff gently but smiled at his papa "Извините, я не знаю, почему они изменили правила из ниоткуда. (it's alright)" but it was to late to hide it as tears fell down his cheeks "Нет нет, прости папа (No no, I am sorry dad)" he sniff again

"Россия... (Russia...)" he band down and hug him tightly "Нет... мне очень жаль... это моя вина... обещаю, что скоро вернусь домой. (No...I am sorry...this is my fault...I promise I will be back home soon)"

"Обещаю меня... (Promise me...)"

"...Обещаю (Promise)" Soviet kiss his head "Я тебя люблю... (I love you)"

"Я тебя люблю тоже, papa (I love you too, papa)" but the boy cried harder in his father's eyes only...he missed him so much, and even tho Soviet didn't have the time he stayed. Letting his son clam down first before talking him to bed as it was night in Russian "...можешь остаться и немного меня обнять (...can you stay and cuddle me a little)"

"Я-...(I-..." Soviet look down "скоро я буду обнимать тебя каждую ночь - I will soon cuddle you every night-) he felt hands of a little boy trembling grasping onto him

"Хорошо папа.. (okey papa...)" Russia sniff having so many treat felling down. His whole body started trembling heavily and breathing becoming a lot heavier like he was having hard time doing it

That melt Soviet who lay down and hug his son tightly "У меня есть время, они могут подождать еще несколько минут... (I have time they can wait few more minutes...)"

That slightly calmed the boy who snuggled in his neck like he was hiding whole the whole world. Only place he ever felt safe was while being hidden in his papa's neck or arms...and he needed to hide...at least for a little bit
1184 words

-AAAAA RUSSIA and Soviet ARE MELTING MY HEART! Soviet is a good dad. The best dad. Also first time big daddy (I am sorry) showing up

-also ame knows...so yikes-

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