Shards of Hot Glass

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"Where are you leading me?" I inquire. Boss keeps striding up the staircase without giving a glance in my direction. His men have given me enough space to walk freely without bumping into one of them. I look over my shoulder to try to get some information on where it is we are going. Obviously, it's not outside or in one of the rooms on the first and second floor since we're climbing the staircase. I haven't been in these higher levels.. There are only a couple but barely anyone lives in these rooms. Most of them have their doors open, signaling vacancy, and the ones that are closed just seem cold. As far as I know, those rooms could be used for something else.

Hopefully nothing too rash...

I notice we've reached the end of the staircase and are now standing in-front of a wide, mahogany door with a keypad lock next to it. Boss glances at me over his shoulder, basically commanding me to turn around. When I do, I hear the series of buttons followed by a beep! and the lock unlatching.

Suddenly, I am yanked into a huge room that has a stool in the middle, a lamp hanging right above it -very cliche for a vampire, if you ask me-, a desk far more organized than Doc's at the far wall, and bookshelves lining the perimeter. What I think is weird about these bookshelves is that... there aren't any books. Just relics of the past or miscellaneous items that whisper a tragedy and the mystery of Jeremy Blake.

Without even realizing it, I've somehow gotten to sitting on the stool facing the desk. Two of Boss's men are standing on either side of me.

His back to me, he says, "I take it you don't know why you are here." Breaking the silence.

"No, sir." I reply, my voice showing a little less than courage.

Boss grabs a medallion from the shelf in-front of him and holds it up so he can see it in the light. The engraving is too small for me to see in this lighting. "Hm." he says, as he places it back and turns to face me. "So you have no idea."

I lift my eyebrow. "No idea about what?"

"Angela, do you know who your parents are?"

Why is he asking about my parents? Of course I know who they are. "Yeah, Daniel and Maria Grace. Why are you asking me this?"

He fixes me with his cold stare. Boss's blue eyes lock with mine, giving me a greater sense of unease. My stomach begins to turn in knots as he approaches me. Are they okay? "No, Angela. Your real parents."

"What?" I ask, my breathing becoming heavier as he talks. "I told yo-"

"Then where do you get your brown hair?" He interrupts me, throwing me off guard.

"From my dad, sir. Why did you brin-"

"Have you ever considered your tan skin?" What?

"No, I haven't." I tell him truthfully, "Mom says I get it from my grandma.."

"Why are you so tall?" He raises his voice a little bit, seeming more intimidating with each syllable.

"I don't know. Can you just tel-"

"From who do you get your blue eyes?" He demands, looming above me.

"From my grandfather. Why-"

"Have you ever met your grandfather?" The tone in his voice raises even more, making me jump against the back of the stool, hands shooting out to hold the arm rests.

"N- no, but-"

"Then how do you know that is where you get them from?" My heart beats hard in my chest and my lungs tighten. Does he always treat his members this way?

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