She can Hear

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**Angela's P.O.V.**

I am trying so hard not to smile right now. She liked the kiss! This is amazing for Darren, maybe getting her out of her shell won't be so difficult. I mean, currently she looks like she saw a ghost but I have a feeling that will soon change.

"Oh, really?..." I let out a hesitant laugh "Now that is unexpected."

Sam just nodded blindly as her mouth parted slightly. She looks like she is about to say something but decided against it and shut her mouth. After about a minute of uncomfortable (at least for me) silence her eyes slowly land on mine, narrowing in the process.

Meeting her suspicious gaze, I begin to fidget with the hem of my shirt. "What do you know?" she suddenly asks.

I place my hand over my cheek. "What? Oh, I wouldn't know anything." I reply, sounding like a mouse.

Well, that wasn't obvious. comments my inner self.

That's what I get for being a good girl, now shut up. I'm trying to concentrate.

Good luck with lying, she already knows you're hiding something.

"Yes you do. I can see it in your eyes." Sam lifts her chin a little bit before saying, "Plus, you're the worst liar in the history of liars."

Told you.

Ugh, just stop...Please.

Luckily for me, my 'motivator' didn't reply. It is only when Samantha starts talking to me that I realize I never replied to her. She is so patient just sitting there, waiting for an explanation, her legs and arms crossed.


"Um... Samantha?"

"You seemed to have forgotten that I can uncontrollably read minds."

My eyes widen and I get up from the floor. Oh, crap. At least I don't have to worry about fighting a smile.

"Crap is right, Angela." she says, her voice threatening. "I may hear like thirty thoughts right now, but I sure as hell heard you thinking 'amazing for Darren' and 'out of her shell' so you better tell me what it is you're hiding before I write, in permanent marker, the names of One Direction on your forehead!" she yells as she stands, her breathing loud and labored.

Blanching and gasping in shock, I take a step back. "You wouldn't!"

"Oh, yes I would." she says, with an undertone of death. At this point, I know she is being completely literal. Her eyes are shooting daggers into my face, while her body has moved into a battle stance.

Girl wants to fight.

Too bad you can't defend yourself well enough against her wrath.

It's not like you know anything about fighting.

Pulling my arms up in surrender, I try to convince Sam not to pounce on me, "Sam, bestie, if I keep something from you, you won't get it out of me with torture."

"You're stalling..." she took a step forward.

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

"Aren't you supposed to tell me everything, bestie?" another step closer.

"Yeah but if I were you, I wouldn't want to know. I mean, it's not like it's anything bad or horrific, but what if it was? I think it would be bett-"

"What did you mean when you were thinking, Angela?" Taking yet another step, Sam reaches for the first drawer of the desk. She pulls it open, fumbles a little bit, then slowly pulls out a black Sharpie.

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