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"Sam?" I ask, "What are you doing? You shouldn't be here, it's not safe."

I quickly walk to her, grabbing her arm when she stands up and pulling her towards the door. Samantha doesn't take her eyes off me. Her eyes are swimming with concern, and she looks like she has something to say.

She suddenly pulls her arm out of my grip with a little too much force, making me jolt towards her instead. Sam seizes my shoulders to steady me and looks me in the eyes. "Ange... I have to tell you something, and you have to promise me that you won't overreact."

What can she possibly say to me that will send me on the loop?

"I promise." I swear to her.

"How do I put this," she pulls the corner of her mouth and furrows her brows. "Remember how I went away with extended family for a month on summer vacation? Well I... I came here, to this lodge."

I blink in surprise. I never expected that she would come to a place filled with monsters. I wonder if it was on purpose or if she was forced to come. Either way, she's here now and even if the fact takes stress off my shoulders I still feel terrible.

"Why here? Why not a lake-house or with your brother in San Francisco? Sam, do you know these people?" I ask, realizing there are a lot more people in the room other than Jesse, Sam and me.

"Angela, these people are my family."

Once I hear those words, my eyes widen in shock as the realization hits me.

This is all real. This is really happening.

I step away from her, shaking my head. I turn to Jesse, who is no longer in the room. I look back at Samantha and let out a sharp sigh.

"Are you a vampire?"

She looks at me with saddened eyes and says: "It wasn't my idea, and my word meant nothing when it happened..."

I take a step closer. "Answer the question." I demand, my voice sounding darker than I intend. Somebody to my left stands up and signals everyone to follow. Sam waits until we are the only two people in the room.

Her eyes begin to water. "Yes, Angela. I. Am. A vampire."

"Wha- and you never told me?"

"I was going to the night it happened, but they said if I did I was never going to see you again."

"For how long have you kept this a secret?" My voice rises as I hold back a cry.

She looks me in the eyes. "Five years. I've been a vampire for five years, and I couldn't tell you. I'm so sorry you had to find out like this." A tear rolls down her cheek, and she sniffles.

"I can't believe you'd lie to me like that... I can't believe any of this." I try to keep myself from crying, but it's too late. "How could you?"

I look away and close my eyes. I can't let her see me cry because of this. She knows how strong I am. She knows what hurts me. She knows trust is a big thing for me and she breaks what was ours. We told each other everything. I know her deepest, darkest secrets, and she knows mine, but she never—ever—told me this. I had to find out on my own, with no help, no signs, no secret messages—nothing.

I can't stay here, not now. I have to get away from here. This is too much.

But I can't leave her either. If I'm a vampire and so is she, then we have to stick together. It shouldn't matter if our trust is broken or not.

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