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"Hurry, get her some place where she can't hurt anyone else!" orders a built, skinny man with short hair.

"Alright, Boss. We'll take her to the Lodge." says the man who is carrying me...

Wait.. how did I get here? Who are these people and what did he mean by "where she can't hurt anyone else"? All I can remember is seeing a group of men huddled around a... a body? Oh no, oh no, oh no, no, no...

Someone passes a light over my eyes. "Boss, I think she is waking up." speaks the man with a flashlight. It's so bright that I shut my eyes immediately, turning my head away with difficulty. "Hmm...interesting." he says to himself.

"Is she stable?" asks the boss, walking over and examining me.

"For now, but we should take her to the lodge to be safe." I open my eyes to see an older man with a trench coat. He must be a doctor because he checks my heart rate then scribbles it onto a sheet of paper.

"Go. And don't forget to—wait, were her eyes always that color?" Okay now I'm confused. I try to ask him what he meant but my throat feels so dry I can't utter a single word.

"No, sir. They were green before and now they are blue." What? No way, he can't be serious... Eye colors don't just change, do they?

"She's changing back to normal. Alright, take her away and don't forget to chain her up and cover her mouth." OH MY GOSH, I'M BEING KIDNAPPED!! "Don't worry, it's for your own good." he says to me, a dangerous glint in his eyes as he holds his hands behind his back. Where is this lodge he's ordered me to? And my eyes are always blue... at least I think they are. Oh, my gosh, I am so going to die...

The man carrying me to a black van sees my panic and confusion and says, "You have no idea, do you?" I can barely shake my head 'no', and his face shows little shock as he replies with: "You, Angela Grace, are a vampire." with that, he gently sets me in the black leather seat behind the passenger side and gives me a comforting smile. He then gets into the van and starts driving away.



We've been driving for a while now, maybe an hour, and my hands are hurting from gripping the seats too tightly. I try taking deep breaths to further clear my mind of the fog. 

First of all, these guys are terrible kidnappers if they still haven't tied me up and gagged me. Which means that maybe they weren't trying to kidnap me in the first place. Maybe they have other, more sinister intentions...

A sudden chill runs down my spine. I need to get out of here as soon as possible. Looking down to the door handle, I quietly try to open the door. I frown as I realize that the handle gives, but the door doesn't click. It's probably child-locked along with all the other doors.

Anxiety creeps up from my chest and I breathe deeply to quell it. This is no time for hysterics. I tell myself. Stay calm... stay calm...

I look at the ceiling to find there's no sunroof. It's just a ceiling. I turn to look towards the trunk and see that they've installed some kind of glass barrier to block off the interior. Think, Angela. Think!

I slide to the other side of the seat, right behind the driver, my pulse pounding in my ears.

Sudden movement catches my attention as the driver fixes the rear-view mirror. I freeze.

'Were her eyes always that color?... No, Sir. They were green before, and now they are blue.'

That's not possible... is it? I mean, people change the color of their eyes all the time with contacts. And hazel irises tend to change color depending on what a person wears. Even blue eyes can change shades...

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