It's Unspoken

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"You've gotta be kidding me!" I yell as I throw my hands in the air.

Jeremy cringes before shaking his head and saying, "It is for your pro-"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it! 'My protection', but seriously? The room next to yours? I already have my stuff with Sam." I whine, waving him off.

"I must be able to monitor your every move. You will move into the room next to-"

"At least down the hall?" I plead. Rooming next to Jeremy? Not exactly in my wish list.

He heaves a sigh. "You will move in the room down the hall from my own," I breathe contently, a small smile playing on my lips. Honestly, I've been eying it for a while. "You will also train harder and longer with the weapons instructor."

"Wait, what?" My smile drops as I hear those words. Is he really going to put me into more training?

Oh, God, no.

"In addition to training with your acquaintances, you will train one-on-one with Anthony for two hours in the evening. He will teach you more than just tactics and weaponry."

"Oh, come on! You know very well that I can-"

"You want her to what?!?!" Sam storms into the office, steam rising from her skin.

Really, I think she barely got out of the shower, her hair is damp and I can smell her shampoo.

"Jones, it is necessary for Angela to acquire the most adequate defensive skills..." Jeremy went on arguing with Sam, who was defending like a mad woman.

'Oh, it's not like I can fight for you or anything...' Heara chimes sarcastically.

Heara! Man, you keep disappearing. I was worried about you! Where do you go anyways? And why did you say that like you can easily defeat a Ninja on steroids?


What? I'm not exactly in the right mind at the moment.

'And I am in your mind so I've heard worse. Both ways, you keep pushing your limits and as much as I would like that you trust me, I think you should take those extra classes.'

Not you too!

'I can help you understand everything better...' She says persuasively.

Heara seems to know exactly what she's talking about. I don't know how she could possibly understand the art of combat when I barely know how to block my face in a fetal position. I mean, Anthony has shown me some great tricks with a dagger but I don't know how to partake in hand-to-hand fighting. Heara might actually help a lot in that category... I don't like the idea but-

I let out an audible hiss, getting Jeremy and Sam's attention.

"Alright, I'll go for more training." Sam looks at me with bewilderment. "I need to get my strength up if I want to be able to defend myself. Who knows, I might be stalked and killed in the next month." I leave them to stare in my direction and walk to the room down the hall. I cannot believe how dense he is! Just because I'm his little sister I have to be next to him every hour of the day? Even if he's not with me physically, he'd still have tabs on me twenty-four seven! Not to mention the brutal training I am sure to suffer for the next year. He might as well lock me up in the highest tower with a glass roof.

Okay, I'm exaggerating. I talked to Jesse about all the vampire myths and he told me what really happens. Sparkling skin is just an allusion; apparently, vampires have "glass skin." The first couple layers of skin are actually laced with a webbing that is extremely durable and gives the illusion of shining in the sunlight. Some vampires can even use that trait as a way to hypnotize the prey into coming close. Drinking werewolf blood isn't poisonous at all. In fact, it's the epitome of vampire intoxication, "One sip, and you're hammered for a good twenty hours." he told me. I wasn't considering it then, but now, as I'm walking through this incredibly long hallway, feeling like my life just grew ten times more difficult, having been told my entire life was a lie, I realize that I could easily get away, and that I'm actually considering it. But it wouldn't solve my problems. It wouldn't get rid of the pain.

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