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...it's hard for her to trust anything so easily...

Damn right.

"Why the hell did you do that!?!?" Sam yells as she backs up into the wall.

"I uh..." I reply with a smirk. She's too damn sexy with that don't-touch-me face.

Angela looks over at Sam, ready to hold her back. I bring my hand up to my cheek. It's tender but healing already.

"What's so funny? I barely wake up and you-" she harshly waves her hand to me, "-come in and kiss me! Which, may I add, was not a good kiss. It was anything but."

"Oh, so it was the best anyone could have. Thanks for the complement."

I wink at her with my best smirk. Her cheeks turn red and she lets out a huff of frustration before storming out of the room. I can't stop myself from looking just below her back-

"You idiot, what did I tell you last week?" Angela says, smacking me in the process and getting my attention.

"Hey, I couldn't help it! You can't blame a guy for being a guy! Besides, it was totally worth it."

She just narrows her eyes at me before saying, "Now she'll be even more skeptical about being your mate."

My mate. These words make me smile. Samantha will someday acknowledge she is my mate and let me in. Then Angela's words come back into my head and I curse under my breath. How can I be so stupid?

"Uh, I'll try to keep my distance for a couple of days." I murmur, trying to redeem myself. I know I can't stay away from her for more than a week, so I make it a couple days. Then I add, "No exceptions." to hint at how serious I am.

Raising an eyebrow she says, "Good. I'll go check on her. Try not to stalk her, she'd be freaked out to the point of locking herself in her- no, my- room." she says while starting for the door.

I just nod in reply, my face still a stupid smirk. As she leaves, she calls for Samantha and I shake my head at myself.

This is gonna be the most difficult few days of my life... How the hell am I supposed to stay away from Samantha?

I can already feel the persistent urge to run to her side. How am I supposed to ignore that? She's my perfect distraction and I'm not going to be able to concentrate in Combat Prep. What am I supposed to do?

"Sup, Darren!" Someone calls just as I turn the corner for the second floor stairs.

What the... Okay, I'm going to have to start paying more attention.

The guy that called me smacks my shoulder. I look up to see my best friend. "Hey man, what's up?"

"You alright there? You seemed a little lost."

"What? Oh, yeah I'm fine, just the usual... fantasizing about the girl that'll probably deny me." He gives me a look that I can't understand and starts walking down the stairs.

Thank God he changes the subject, "Since you asked, I was on my way to hang with Jesse and the guys but..." He looked around for a second, then pointed towards the room Sam was in. "Did Sam wake up?"


I've told him about Samantha being my true love the night she was overwhelmed with her power. He almost had a heart attack when he choked on his cereal. When he was panting for breath, he told me I was gonna be a whipped womanizer. I smacked him so hard he got a bruise the size of a softball.

Glumly, I reply, "Yeah, barely."

"C'mon, dude. Stop looking so depressed. Let me guess, you kissed her, she freaked out, and now you can't see her." It wasn't a question. "And I'm right- Jeez, bro you can't just play Prince Charming." He said while stopping me with his arm.

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