"Darkside-2" ~MYG ft. PJM

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I don't have any ideas to write but still, I'll try my best!



"No No No....I need to do something!" I paced around my room, clutching my head.

"I didn't do all this friendship shit just for her to become my sister! No way!!!" I yelled.

"I need to do something...something that will benefit both of us." I stopped pacing and smirked.

But what will I even do? The parents will need to leave the house. Then I'll start my plan of course.

Y/N's pov

"Why is he behaving like that....what if he wants to break the friendship?? No...that probably isn't the reason...." I was in stress, thinking of different scenarios, our past interactions.

What if I did something wrong?

Nah, probably not. It's his fault that he is angry for nothing.

I should try to talk to him again, I guess??

I walked out of my room and was walking towards his room, just then I heard my mom and Yoongi's father taking my name.

No, they didn't call me or something. They were talking about me.

"But we can't leave Y/N alone then..." my mom said, concern and fear in her tone. I didn't understand. What were they talking about that gace mom such stress??

"I have no choice darling. Maybe....maybe if we tell him to behave himself then??" Yoongi's father told my mom. My mom looked hesitant.

"You only said that he can't! How do you expect it then??" My mom raised her voice a little, but still not much.

I was peeking through a little hole in the wall. Suddenly, I was yanked back to something hard. I realised it was a chest.

"Why are you sneeking on elders, hmm??" That was Yoongi. His lips were just near my ears, so he whispered deeply.

He was holding my waist. I got uncomfortable by this closeness, but didn't say anything otherwise our parents will get to know.

"Let's silently go to our room, okay? You're such a naughty girl." He deeply chuckled near my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I removed his hands from my waist and turned back, walking towards my room with him following me.

After we were a little far from our parents, I stopped and looked back at Yoongi, wanting an explanation.

"Do you know what were they talking about?" I crossed my arms above my chest. "Why am i not supposed to listen?"

"Who said that you are not supposed to listen? I never did." Yoongi casually said, his lips tugged upwards slightly.

"Why did you hug me like THAT?" I needed an explanation. I was uncomfortable, and I am smart Enough to reason. I ain't gonna sit back.

Even though it was for once, I am not gonna let that slide.

"Why are you changing the topic so suddenly? First you wanted to know what your mom and my dad were talking about. Now you want to know something else. Such a naughty girl." He booped my nose with a small laugh.

"What even is this behaviour Yoongi!? First you were angry about us being siblings, now you are liking this too mu-" I said, but was cut off by an angry Yoongi infront of me.

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