The woman

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Qutub's POV
Dad's condition keeps getting worse,so I had no choice but to work part-time at a dinner.With school and the dinner,it was harder for me to do what I loved the most, taking photographs.

I was at the dinner, bored because there wasn't many costumers today.I decided to go to park which was literally a few feets from the dinner.

It was my lunch break so I decided to take advantage and take pictures of nature.There was a woman sitting in the middle of the park.

She was very beautiful but looked Abit sad.I decided to take a photo of her.I came to her.

Qutub: I wanted to give you this picture I took of you.
(I gave it to her)

Evelyn:it looks very beautiful.When did you take this?
Qutub: just now

(I sat down)
Eve: this is amazing,You really made my day.
Qutub: I am glad I could help,I have to rush back now.(I got up)

Evelyn:wait,I will be having a wedding very soon and am in need of a photographer.
Qutub: really (I asked excitedly)
Evelyn:yes,I would love to hire you,here is my card.(she gave me her card) call me tonight.

Qutub: okay, thank you.
Evelyn:you are welcomed.

(She walked off,omy goodness I can't believe it,I got my dream job! I hope the pay is good, so that I can pay for father's treatment.)

That night I called her, and she told me that,I would get paid have a million.

Omy goodness, this is more than enough to pay for father's treatments.That night I told my mom sister,they were overjoyed.

Osman came in with my sister.My sister laid in my bed with a book in hand.
Shazia:you two have only thirty minutes.

Qutub: yeah.Will you stop acting all awkward around me,we are getting married in two months.
Osman:I know, then I can finally be myself around you.

Osman:you don't know how much I want to kiss you(he slowly walked around me as he talked) to hold you and tell you that I love you.
(I looked down shyly as he stopped behind me)

Osman:but I can't,we are not married yet.(I turned to him)
Qutub: it's only two months.You know I would love to move things early but father isn't well.

Osman:I understand,my family and I are always there.
Qutub: I know.You guys have done more than enough.Hey let me show you the pictures I took today.

(We sat down as I showed him the pictures.I looked over and saw my sister giving me googly eyes.I threw my pillow at her)

Qutub:nosy girl.
Osman: it's getting late,I should get going now.
Qutub: okay.see you soon.

(He smiled and left.Osman and I met at college.I was studying photography while he was studying business.Am 22 years of age while he is 29.We were both done with college, ready to get married, finally).

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