Protecting her

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Qutub's POV
I tried to fight him,he threw his hand to slap me, causing me to automatically flinch.

Surprisingly Shawn caught his hand and punched him down.I was shaking with fear.Shawn pulled the man up and beat him up.Ray came in.

Ray:am so sorry,there was a line..
Shawn: she is safe now, take him away
Ray: okay (he took the man away.)

Shawn:are you okay?(I hugged him and cried.)

Shawn's POV
I couldn't stand her tears.
Qutub:thank you.(I tried to touch her face but she flinched.I couldn't help but feel hurt .This was all my fault)

Qutub:hey,it will take time (she leaned into my hand.I touched her face)
Shawn:how are you sure I won't hit you again?
Qutub:you won't, right?

Shawn: never.
Qutub: I trust you.Your brother was right,you need to be yourself.
Shawn:can you help me?
Qutub: offcourse.

Shawn:will you ever be able to forgive me for what I did to you?
Qutub:with time,I will.
Shawn: wanna dance?
Qutub: offcourse.

We left the hall.I was going to keep my promise, never to hit her again.All I wanted was to make her happy.

We went to slow dance and it was beautiful,but I couldn't help but notice that her mind had drifted away.

Shawn: what's wrong?
Qutub:oh nothing am fine.
Shawn:you can tell me anything you know.
Qutub:umm are you sure?

Shawn: yeah.
Qutub:well my fi..I mean my former fiance is missing.Do you know where he is?

Qutub: okay.excuse me
(She walked off,later on,I saw her talking to Ray about Osman.She was still inlove with him.)

Qutub's POV
I could tell by Shawn's face that he wasn't happy with me asking of Osman.Can you blame me?

Osman is my first love and he is my fiancee.I may have developed feelings for Shawn but I would never betray osman.

The night went off well.We got on the jet that night.I couldn't help but fall asleep.I woke up the next morning.We had arrived at the airport.

Seeing Shawn's face,I knew he hadn't slept a wink.We got off the jet and drove home.

Immediately we got home,he went straight to his office to work.I couldn't help but worry,so I decided to intervene.

I made him some tea ,extra strong.I brought it him in his office.I had masked the bitterness of the herbs with honey.I gave it to him.

Shawn:thank you.
Qutub:it will help you gain energy.Drink..(and he did.)
(I took the cup back to the kitchen and waited twenty minutes.I came back to find him drowsy.I helped him up)

Shawn: I don't feel too good.
Qutub: it's because you haven't slept.(I brought him to his bedroom and laid him down)

He pulled down onto me in the process.He wrapped his arms tightly around me.I tried to get out of his hold but I couldn't.

Shawn: don't leave me like everyone else, please stay with me.(he fell fast asleep)
Qutub:if that's your wish,then good night.

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