Cold don

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Qutub's POV
I ran out of the room.Later on the scary man came to Evelyn and I.
Evelyn:qutub this is my fiance,Shawn.(oh no,he was the groom.No wonder he looked like Ray,but more muscular,taller and handsome)

This is were I draw the line,I got touched twice by two brothers whom am not married to, and now am on the verge of daydreaming about a one of them,who is about to get married, and am engaged.

Astagafirlilah , the devil is a liar.Maybe I shouldn't have come here.

Evelyn:dear I will be needing you here on Wednesday for some paperwork and talk with the florists.
Qutub:umm ok(maybe this is the time to tell her that I don't want to work here anymore.)

(I mean,am surrounded by alot of men, and the word don is a good thing.But my father needs the money.)

Evelyn:also,I have already transferred the money into your account.
Qutub:so soon?
Evelyn: I trust you.

Qutub: okay.
Evelyn:we are done here.(All this while,he was starring at me.It was starting to get on my nerves.)
Qutub:I will take my leave then.

(I got up and didn't even spare him a glance.On my way,I bumped into his little brother.great)
Ray: leaving so soon?
Qutub:yes, excuse me.(he tried to stop me by holding my hand but I moved)

Ray:I won't bite.
Qutub: that's what creepy people say
(He laughed)
Ray: am not creepy dear,I kinda like you.

Qutub: I have a fiance and am Muslim too,so I would love it,if you don't try to touch me.
Ray:oh okay.I understand.

(He walked off bumped.I felt so bad.I went home.I decided to tell Osman about what had happened.)

He decided to follow me back here because he didn't want any of the men touching or hitting on me.

We came back to the mansion.Later on, Evelyn told me to look around and study the mansion.

They had decided to have the party in the mansion.I walked around when I suddenly ran into pitbulls who started barking at me.

I looked to find Shawn,the don standing by the balcony.His eyes met mine yet ignored me as if I wasn't about to attacked by pitbulls.

Luckily Evelyn and Osman came in.Evelyn shooed the dog away.
I noticed that Evelyn had cried.

Qutub:are you okay?
Evelyn:yeah,am good.Lets go.
(We went in.)

This man was cold.He just stood there as I almost got attacked by pitbulls.After,Osman and I set off to leave.

We saw Ray standing by the garden as he saw us.We walked by and went home.

A month later, the wedding day.Even though it was work,I was allowed to bring Osman as my plus one.

We came to the mansion.The decorations were amazing.I got out my camera and started going to work.

I walked around and took pictures of the decorations.I stumbled across Evelyn's room and heard her crying.

Qutub:tell me, Evelyn, what's really going on?
Evelyn: I don't want to get married.

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