Forced into marrying him

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Shawn's POV
I arrived at the church with my brother,ray.I didn't understand why this marraige had to be this grand and rich.

This was just an arranged marriage.It was for business.We went in and soon after,the music started playing.

Evelyn was a beautiful woman but not my type.As I say this,my mind can't help but drift off to that Muslim woman.

My bride came in veiled.Strange, because Evelyn didn't want a veil.She stood beside me at the altar after her father gave her away.

He head was lowered ,her hair was covered under the veil.Why would she cover her hair?

Shawn: Evelyn (her hands shook nervously.Being the don has alot of advantages, one,being able to catch imposters.I took everyone by surprise by taking off her veil )

There she stood,the Muslim photographer.

Qutub's POV
Qutub:why don't you want to get married?

Evelyn: I don't love him, this is an arranged marriage.My father is forcing me to marry him,so that we don't end up bankrupt.Please you need to help me escape.Shawn is not a good man,he is ruthless and cold.

(She had already started crying)
Qutub: don't cry,we will think of something.
Evelyn:you don't understand, security is strong,I have attempted to escape before,so eyes are on me.How am I going to escape,am the only one wearing white.

Qutub:then I will wear it.
Evelyn: what?
Qutub: I will wear,the wedding dress so they will think am you.You can also dress up as me,I will talk to osman.He can shield your face until you get to the assigned car,you gave us to ride in.

You will follow the cars out but you will take a left turn,then you are off from going to the church.You can be free

Evelyn: and you?
Qutub:I will be okay, this is the least I can do,you saved my father from his I'llness.Come on , let's hurry up.

End of flashback.
I was suddenly slapped to the ground by Evelyn's mother.
Eva:where is my daughter!
Qutub: she is free from this marraige!
Shawn:but are you free from me?

(He said so coldly, scaring me)
Victor:Shawn,my daughter..
Shawn: enough! If I get hands on your daughter she is as good as dead
Eva: please don't say that.

Shawn:in the meantime (he grabbed me by my turban and pulled me up) I paid for a wedding,so this one will do,until we find your daughter.
(I tried to fight him but he had a strong grip)

(Shawn glared at him, causing him to keep quiet.)
Qutub: what are you going to do to me?
Shawn:marry you.(I froze.I was expecting to be imprisoned or even killed) what,you thought I would kill you so easily? No,you are going to my interm wife.Priest continue.

Qutub:am a muslimah, this is not our way of marriage
Shawn: don't worry,we will get married your way ,after my way.
Qutub:kill me(I said with tears in my eyes)

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