Causing mischieve

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Qutub's POV
I took off the googles only to find myself in his lap.He didn't look angry but rather amused.

Qutub: sorry (I went back to my seat)
Ray:I guess you don't need it anymore, since we are in the air

(I froze)
Qutub:why did you tell me!(I quickly put the googles on.I won't lie,I feel so dumb, because this is my first time in a simulator.)

I played alot, and ended up kicking the don a couple of times.Worth it.We finally landed in Spain.

My goodness, this was amazing.We went to the hotel,where we both got our own hotel rooms.Thank goodness.

It was night here but we had alot of energy, so we decided to take a walk around Spain.

I couldn't help but take pictures.
Ray took the camera away.
Ray:no you have fun, while I take pictures of you.
Qutub: okay.

(I went to fountains and got my pictures taken.We went to an ice cream truck and got a bucket of ice cream.)
Ice cream:if you can eat it all in twenty five minutes,you get that Teddy bear

Qutub: let's do this Ray.
Ray: actually,am not in the mood for ice cream, so Shawn will take over.
Ice cream man: start!

(I dug in but Shawn stood frozen,so I got a big scoop and shooved it in his mouth.I couldn't help but laugh)
Qutub: come on

(He had no expression)
Qutub:am sorry
Shawn: sorry is for losers(he dug in.We placed huge scoops of ice cream in our was funny when Shawn got a huge brain freeze.Ray captured it all.We were finally done.)

Qutub:we did it (Shawn and I sat with our belly's full , unable to get up)
Ice cream man: actually you finished in twenty six minutes, so no teddy bear.

Shawn's POV
Shawn:after everything we did? You have got to be kidding me.
Qutub: it's okay.(her eyes were filled with sadness, it affected me,so I decided to take the Teddy bear)


(We got off running as the men chased us,we managed to loose them.She couldn't stop laughing,her laugh was contagious.We looked around and finally called it a night,but the hotel door was locked.)

We called but nobody answered.
Ray: it's 3am, nobody will open the door.
Shawn: what do we do now?
Qutub: I saw a motel on our way here.

Shawn: let's go then.

(We came to the motel,it was horrible but we had no choice.There was only one too left.We came in.It was small and had a small bed.)

Shawn:we will sleep on the floor,you sleep on the bed.
Qutub: okay.

(Ray suddenly saw a rat)
(They both panicked and started running around me.qutub jumped onto the bed but it broke down,I caught her in my arms, breaking her fall.)

I wish I could hold her like this forever.Suddenly the lights went out.We heard a yell.
Shawn:calm down
Qutub: that wasn't me.
(I realised it was my little brother)

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