Killer Plans Come to Light

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The Winter Ball was one heck of a night but that was exactly one week ago. A week ago I was kissing and dancing with the hottest guy I have ever seen, dancing under the snow with my best friend and sister.

Now I am back to reality as you sane people call it, I can tell you for nothing I would take dream like existence any day. Reality... Evading my power mad masochist father who lives to cause me pain, and packing. Yep you read right packing.

Throwing my light blue top into the case Jen lifted her head and rolled those big green eyes. "What?" I demanded as she sighed, "you are never going to find anything if you chuck it in Lula" she muttered sounding like a mom as I frowned. "That’s the point" I growled chucking a book on top so hard it bounced out and hit my foot.

"DAMN THING, I WILL BLOODY BURN YOUR ASS" I screamed seeing Jen jump as my voice amplified, "Rock honey... The book, it can't talk to you" Jen whispered while I sighed flopping down to my now bare bed. "Yeah I know" I whispered pressing my face into the soft pillow so my hair fell everywhere.

"Lula you can talk to me, come on" she urged sitting beside me as I took a deep breath, "I know Jen... Just that time of year" I laughed as she gave me a small smile. Pushing up I crossed my legs and waved my hand not wanting to do things the Muggle way... So sue me I can be lazy now, and then. Any of you telling me you enjoy packing are SANE! Yes that is a bad thing...

"Why do you think Severus has um been avoiding us? Did we do something-" "- stop right there girl. Sexy is just put off by our sexiness, I mean that first kiss was hotter than Hell... Nope but I say sexy needs to see us, agree? Good come on then" I smirked seeing Jen glance in the mirror. "Sexy would love you in a bin bag... Come on" I groaned seeing jet smooth the bright blue top out as I gave my appearance the once over.

My eyes slightly dull I saw my hair bouncing into curl by the top of my arm, tugging my dark purple skirt down the black tight fitted shirt sat just by hips. "Now look who is checking themselves out" Jen laughed jokingly as I bumped her hip and shook my head.

"It’s your fault" I laughed as she pulled her converse trainers on, me I slipped my feet into some black strappy heels. "Sure it is Rock, just because I do something does not... What was I um saying?" Jen asked as I laughed loudly pulling her down the dimly lit dungeons.

Pausing at the Slytherin common room I saw Jen frown, this is where my dad spent eighty percent of his time. How he became the monster he is today! My eyes misting over I placed my hand against the wall, it was as if I could feel his presence making a shiver run down my spine.

My ever loving farther, did you catch the heavy sarcasm? "Rock... Lula" Jen called as I blinked flashing her a false smile that she saw straight through, "you can never be him Rock. You have friends and a life, a heart... You’re not your dad Rock. Our parents don't define who we are, he is ju-just a Sp-sperm donor!" She rushed out flashing several shades of red as I tried to figure out if I heard right.

Di-did Jennifer Dewitt just say? Damn I didn't get it in tape, "did you just?-"



"Lula my girl you are hearing things" she protested as I shook my head, I heard that right? I know I did... Damn Jen's innocence! "I am not... Hey I no see sexy, where is he?" I growled seeing my best friend and partner in all things insane look as confused as me. "Not here..." Jen muttered as I glared at the open class room.

"SEEEEXXXXXYYYY!" I yelled seeing Jen glance round quickly making her eyes appear orange under the glow of the torches. "Rock" she hissed gripping my arm, what did I do? "I don't think he would like the whole school to know we are um... What are we? I mean he kissed us, God he kissed us. But does that mean we are? Oh Christ are we going out with Severus Snape? We can’t, God I mean um... Oh God... He is a teacher oh Christ he is a teacher, a heavenly one at that but, I- he... Oh Lord... God Snape..." Jen ranted breaking the record for how many times you can say God's name in a single sentence.

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